Delen via

definition Element

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

The definition element creates the mapping between the logical name to an existing reference supported on string text in the .adml file.


<definition name="<placeholder for logical or friendly name>"
          displayName="$(string.<placeholder for supportedOn text>)"/>


Attributes Required Description

name Attribute


name="<placeholder for logical or friendly name>"

Specifies a logical name to use for a specific supported application and revision.

displayName Attribute


displayName="$(string.<placeholder for supportedOn text>)"

The reference to the supported information string located in the string table of the .adml file.

Child elements

There are no child elements associated with this element.


Group Policy provides a enterprise management of Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and Windows XP as well as applications that run on the Windows platform. The enterprise will typically include multiple versions of operating systems and other applications. In order to administrate for these different versions, the Group Policy settings cannot be deprecated when a policy setting no longer applies to the current version operating system or application. Instead of removing Group Policy settings that apply only to earlier operating systems or applications, the Group Policy setting remains in the ADMX files and the supportedOn element is used to specify what operating system or application version is affected by an individual Group Policy setting.

The definition element can be omitted if the ADMX file only requires Windows operating system versions or strings from a custom base file for supportedOn text.


This XML fragment is an example of a single definition of supportedOn text for a specific product version.

      <definition name="SUPPORTED_ProductOnly"

Additional references

definitions Element

Referencing the Windows Base ADMX File

Creating a Custom Base ADMX File