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disabledValue Element

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

The disabledValue element sets the registry value when a policy setting is disabled through the Group Policy Object Editor.


     < disabledValue >
       <delete /> | <decimal> … </decimal> | <string> … </string>
     </ disabledValue >

You must include a choice of either the delete element, decimal element, or string element.


There are no attributes associated with this element.

Child elements

Element Required Description

delete Element

One of three must be used in the enabledValue element.

Represents a deleted registry value or key.

decimal Element (elements)

One of three must be used in the enabledValue element.

Represents an unsigned decimal number.

string Element (.admx)

One of three must be used in the enabledValue element.

String type limited to 255 characters in length.


For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element.


The disabledValue element is an optional element. If you use the disabledValue element when defining a policy element, you must define one child element: delete element, decimal element, or string element. If not, the Group Policy Object Editor will display an error.

If you do not use the disabledValue element when defining a policy element, the Group Policy Object Editor may incorrectly display whether a policy setting is enabled, disabled or not configured through the UI.


This XML fragment is an example of an disabledValue element used to configure a registry setting value to a decimal value of 0.

        <decimal value="0" />

Additional references

policy Element