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The OID_TAPI_DROP OID requests the miniport driver to drop or disconnect the specified call.

User-to-user information can optionally be transmitted as part of the call disconnect. This request can be made by the application at any time.

Support for this request is mandatory.

This request uses an NDIS_TAPI_DROP structure, defined as follows:

typedef struct _NDIS_TAPI_DROP {         
         IN ULONG ulRequestID;
         IN HDRV_CALL hdCall;
         IN ULONG ulUserUserInfoSize;
         IN UCHAR UserUserInfo[1];

The members of this structure contain the following information:

  • ulRequestID

  • hdCall
    Specifies the miniport driver's handle to the call to be dropped.

  • ulUserUserInfoSize
    Specifies the size in bytes of the user-to-user information in UserUserInfo If this member is zero, the miniport driver should ignore the next member.

  • UserUserInfo
    Specifies a string containing user-to-user information to be sent to the remote party as part of the call drop. User-to-user information is sent only if supported by the underlying network (see OID_TAPI_GET_DEV_CAPS).

The MiniportSetInformationfunction can return one of the following:








When a miniport driver completes this request successfully, the call should be in the idle state. However, the miniport driver can still receive requests, such as statistics queries, specifying the hdCall handle until it completes the OID_TAPI_CLOSE_CALLrequest for this handle.



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