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NDISTest 6.0 - 1 Machine - 1c_Mini6RSSOids

This test exercises the various receive side scaling OIDs. The miniport driver should:

  • Return a valid CAPABILITIES structure which includes support for NdisHashFunctionToeplitz.

  • Accept all the PARAMETER sets if the hash information is valid and supported.

  • Reject the PARAMETER sets if the hash information is not supported or invalid or if the hash table or the structure itself is not of the correct size.

  • In case the miniport rejects a PARAMETER set, it should retain the previously set PARAMETERs structure.

  • Miniport should handle 64 bit misaligned requests correctly.

Test details

Associated requirements

Device.Network.LAN.RSS.RSS Device.Network.LAN.RSS.SetHashFunctionTypeAndValue Device.Network.LAN.RSS.SupportIndirectionTablesSizes Device.Network.LAN.RSS.SupportToeplitzHashFunction Device.Network.LAN.RSS.SupportUpdatesToRSSInfo

See the device hardware requirements.


Windows 7 (x64) Windows 7 (x86) Windows RT (ARM-based) Windows 8 (x64) Windows 8 (x86) Windows Server 2012 (x64) Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64) Windows RT 8.1 Windows 8.1 x64 Windows 8.1 x86 Windows Server 2012 R2

Expected run time

~5 minutes


Certification Functional




Running the test

Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: LAN Testing Prerequisites.


For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting LAN Testing.

More information


Parameter Description


The ID of the test device.

Example: //Devnode/DeviceID


Command syntax

Command Description

[WTTRunWorkingDir]\ndistest\bin\ndtest.exe /auto /client /dvi /u /target:Miniport /tc:[queryTestDeviceID] /script:{1c_Mini6RSSOids.wsf}

Runs the test.




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