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Transferring Image Data in WIA 1.0


This tutorial is about transferring image data in applications that will run Windows XP or earlier. See Transferring Image Data in WIA 2.0 for information about transferring image data in applications that will run on Windows Vista or later.


Use the methods of the IWiaDataTransfer interface to transfer data from a Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) 1.0 device to an application. This interface supports a shared memory window to transfer data from the device object to the application and eliminate unnecessary data copies during marshalling.

Applications must query an image item to obtain a pointer to its IWiaDataTransfer interface, as in the following code sample:

    // Get the IWiaDataTransfer interface
    IWiaDataTransfer *pWiaDataTransfer = NULL;
    hr = pWiaItem->QueryInterface( IID_IWiaDataTransfer, (void**)&pWiaDataTransfer );

In the previous code, it is assumed that pWiaItem is a valid pointer to the IWiaItem interface. The call to IUnknown::QueryInterface fills pWiaDataTransfer with a pointer to the IWiaDataTransfer interface of the item referred to by pWiaItem.

The application then sets the STGMEDIUM structure members. For information, see STGMEDIUM and TYMED.

    // Set storage medium
    STGMEDIUM StgMedium = {0};
    StgMedium.tymed = TYMED_FILE;

If you supply a filename, it should include the proper file extension; WIA 1.0 does not provide file extensions. If the lpszFileName member of StgMedium is NULL, WIA 1.0 generates a random file name and path for the transferred data. Move or copy this file before calling ReleaseStgMedium, because this function will delete the file.

The application then calls the IWiaDataTransfer::idtGetData method to run the data transfer:

    // Perform the transfer
    hr = pWiaDataTransfer->idtGetData( &stgMedium, pWiaDataCallback );

In the call to IWiaDataTransfer::idtGetData, the second parameter specifies a pointer to the IWiaDataCallback interface. Applications must implement this interface to receive callbacks during data transfers. For information about implementing this interface, see IWiaDataCallback::BandedDataCallback.

The application then releases the pointers to the IWiaDataTransfer interface and frees any data allocated in the STGMEDIUM structure.

The application can also transfer the image using in-memory data transfers instead of file transfers. In this case, the application uses the idtGetBandedData method in place of the idtGetData method.

Here is the complete data transfer sample:

HRESULT TransferWiaItem( IWiaItem *pWiaItem )
    // Validate arguments
    if (NULL == pWiaItem)
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    // Get the IWiaPropertyStorage interface so you can set required properties.
    IWiaPropertyStorage *pWiaPropertyStorage = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = pWiaItem->QueryInterface( IID_IWiaPropertyStorage, (void**)&pWiaPropertyStorage );
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Prepare PROPSPECs and PROPVARIANTs for setting the
        // media type and format
        PROPSPEC PropSpec[2] = {0};
        PROPVARIANT PropVariant[2] = {0};
        const ULONG c_nPropCount = sizeof(PropVariant)/sizeof(PropVariant[0]);

        // Use BMP as the output format
        GUID guidOutputFormat = WiaImgFmt_BMP;

        // Initialize the PROPSPECs
        PropSpec[0].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID;
        PropSpec[0].propid = WIA_IPA_FORMAT;
        PropSpec[1].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID;
        PropSpec[1].propid = WIA_IPA_TYMED;

        // Initialize the PROPVARIANTs
        PropVariant[0].vt = VT_CLSID;
        PropVariant[0].puuid = &guidOutputFormat;
        PropVariant[1].vt = VT_I4;
        PropVariant[1].lVal = TYMED_FILE;

        // Set the properties
        hr = pWiaPropertyStorage->WriteMultiple( c_nPropCount, PropSpec, PropVariant, WIA_IPA_FIRST );
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Get the IWiaDataTransfer interface
            IWiaDataTransfer *pWiaDataTransfer = NULL;
            hr = pWiaItem->QueryInterface( IID_IWiaDataTransfer, (void**)&pWiaDataTransfer );
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                // Create our callback class
                CWiaDataCallback *pCallback = new CWiaDataCallback;
                if (pCallback)
                    // Get the IWiaDataCallback interface from our callback class.
                    IWiaDataCallback *pWiaDataCallback = NULL;
                    hr = pCallback->QueryInterface( IID_IWiaDataCallback, (void**)&pWiaDataCallback );
                    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                        // Perform the transfer using default settings
                        STGMEDIUM stgMedium = {0};
                        StgMedium.tymed = TYMED_FILE;
                        hr = pWiaDataTransfer->idtGetData( &stgMedium, pWiaDataCallback );
                        if (S_OK == hr)
                            // Print the filename (note that this filename is always
                            // a WCHAR string, not TCHAR).
                            _tprintf( TEXT("Transferred filename: %ws\n"), stgMedium.lpszFileName );

                            // Release any memory associated with the stgmedium
                            // This will delete the file stgMedium.lpszFileName.
                            ReleaseStgMedium( &stgMedium );

                        // Release the callback interface
                        pWiaDataCallback = NULL;

                    // Release our callback.  It should now delete itself.
                    pCallback = NULL;

                // Release the IWiaDataTransfer
                pWiaDataTransfer = NULL;

        // Release the IWiaPropertyStorage
        pWiaPropertyStorage = NULL;

    return hr;