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CIM_LANEndpoint class

A communication endpoint that can connect to a LAN to send and receive data frames. LAN endpoints include ethernet, token Ring, and FDDI interfaces.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all of the inherited properties.


[Abstract, Version("2.8.1000"), AMENDMENT]
class CIM_LANEndpoint : CIM_ProtocolEndpoint
  string   Caption;
  string   ElementName;
  datetime InstallDate;
  string   StatusDescriptions[];
  string   Status;
  uint16   HealthState;
  string   OtherEnabledState;
  uint16   RequestedState = 12;
  uint16   EnabledDefault = 2;
  string   SystemCreationClassName;
  string   SystemName;
  string   CreationClassName;
  string   Description;
  uint16   OperationalStatus[];
  uint16   EnabledState;
  datetime TimeOfLastStateChange;
  string   Name;
  string   NameFormat;
  uint16   ProtocolType;
  string   OtherTypeDescription;
  boolean  BroadcastResetSupported;
  string   LANID;
  uint16   LANType;
  string   OtherLANType;
  string   MACAddress;
  string   AliasAddresses[];
  string   GroupAddresses[];
  uint32   MaxDataSize;
  uint16   ProtocolIFType;


The CIM_LANEndpoint class has these types of members:


The CIM_LANEndpoint class has these methods.

Method Description
BroadcastReset This method is not supported.
This method is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.
RequestStateChange Requests that the state of the element be changed to the specified value.
This method is inherited from CIM_EnabledLogicalElement.


The CIM_LANEndpoint class has these properties.


Data type: string array

Access type: Read-only

An array that contains other unicast addresses that may be used to communicate with the LAN endpoint.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Experimental, MappingStrings ("FC-SWAPI.INCITS-T11|SWAPI_PORT_CONFIG_CAPS_T.PortForceLipSupported"), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.BroadcastReset")

true if broadcast reset is supported; otherwise, false.

This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MaxLen (64)

A short textual description of the object.

This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedElement.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Key, MaxLen (256)

The class name used to create an instance of this class. CreationClassName is combined with other key properties of this class to uniquely identify instances of this class and its subclasses.

This property is inherited from CIM_ServiceAccessPoint.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifDescr")

A textual description of the object.

This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

A user-friendly name for the object. This property allows each instance to define a user-friendly name in addition to its key properties, identity data, and description information.

This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedElement.


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read/write

Indicates an administrator's default or startup configuration for the enabled state of an element. The default value Enabled (2).

This property is inherited from CIM_EnabledLogicalElement.

The possible values are.

Enabled (2)

Disabled (3)

Not Applicable (5)

Enabled but Offline (6)

No Default (7)

Quiesce (9)

DMTF Reserved

10 32767

Vendor Reserved

32768 65535


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifAdminStatus")

The enabled state of an element.

This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.

The possible values are:

Unknown (0)

The element is in an unknown state.

Other (1)

The element is in a known state that is not defined by other possible values.

Enabled (2)

The element can execute, process, and queue commands.

Disabled (3)

The element will drop commands and requests.

Shutting Down (4)

The element is in a transition to a disabled state.

Not Applicable (5)

The element does not support being enabled or disabled.

Enabled but Offline (6)

The element might be completing commands, and new requests are dropped.

In Test (7)

The element is in a test state.

Deferred (8)

The element is processing commands and queuing new requests.

Quiesce (9)

The element is in an enabled state, but with restricted capabilities.

Starting (10)

The element is in a transition to an enabled state, and new requests are queued.

DMTF Reserved


Vendor Reserved



Data type: string array

Access type: Read-only

An array that contains the multicast addresses to which the LAN endpoint listens.


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read-only

Indicates the current health of the element. This attribute expresses the health of this element, but not necessarily the health of its subcomponents.

This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement.

Unknown (0)

The implementation cannot report on HealthState at this time.

OK (5)

The element is fully functional and operates within normal operational parameters and without error.

Degraded/Warning (10)

The element is in working order, and all functionality is provided. However, the element does not function to the best of its abilities. For example, the element might not operate at optimal performance, or it might report recoverable errors.

Minor failure (15)

All functionality is available, but some functionality might be degraded.

Major failure (20)

The element is failing. It is possible that some or all of the functionality of this component is degraded or does not work.

Critical failure (25)

The element is nonfunctional, and recovery might not be possible.

Non-recoverable error (30)

The element has completely failed, and recovery is not possible. All functionality that this element provides has been lost.

DMTF Reserved



Data type: datetime

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.5")

Indicates when the object was installed. The lack of a value does not indicate that the object is not installed.

This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_LANConnectivitySegment.LANID, CIM_LANSegment.LANID")

A label or identifier for the LAN segment to which the endpoint is connected. If the endpoint is not currently connected or if this information is unknown, then LANID is NULL.


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Deprecated ("CIM_LANEndpoint.ProtocolIFType"), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_LANConnectivitySegment.ConnectivityType, CIM_LANSegment.LANType")


Deprecated description: The kind of technology used on the LAN.

This property is deprecated. Instead we recommend that you use the ProtocolType property.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MaxLen (12)

The principal unicast address used by the LAN endpoint.

The MAC address must be formatted with the following characteristics:

  • The address consists of twelve hexadecimal digits.
  • Each pair of digits represents one of the six octets of the MAC address.
  • Each pair of digits must be in canonical bit order according to RFC 2469.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Units ("Bits")

The maximum size, in bytes, of data fields sent or received by the LAN endpoint.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MaxLen (256)

A unique identifier of the protocol endpoint that indicates the managed functionality. The naming convention for this property is defined in the NameFormat property.

This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MaxLen (256)

The naming convention used by the Name property to ensure that Name values are unique. For example, you can append the ProtocolIFType property value to the beginning of the name followed by an underscore.

This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.


Data type: uint16 array

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifOperStatus")

An array that contains the current status of the element. The first value of the OperationalStatus array should contain the primary status for the element.

This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.

The possible values are:

Unknown (0)

The implementation cannot report the status at this time.

Other (1)

An undefined state.

OK (2)

Full functionality without errors.

Degraded (3)

The element is in working order and that all functionality is provided. However, the element does not function to the best of its abilities. For example, the element might not operate at optimal performance, or it might report recoverable errors.

Stressed (4)

The element functions, but requires attention. Overload and overheated are examples of Stressed states.

Predictive Failure (5)

The element functions nominally, will probably fail in the near future.

Error (6)

An error has occurred.

Non-Recoverable Error (7)

A nonrecoverable error has occurred.

Starting (8)

The job is starting.

Stopping (9)

The job is stopping.

Stopped (10)

The element has been intentionally stopped.

In Service (11)

The element is in process to be configured, maintained, cleaned, or otherwise administered.

No Contact (12)

The monitoring system has information about this element, but has never been able to establish communications with it.

Lost Communication (13)

The monitoring system has successfully contacted this element in the past, but it is currently unavailable.

Aborted (14)

The job stopped in an unexpected way. The state and configuration of the job might require an update.

Dormant (15)

The job is inactive.

Supporting Entity in Error (16)

An element on which this job depends is in error. This element might be OK but cannot function because of the state of a dependent element. An example is a network service or endpoint that cannot function due to lower-layer networking problems.

Completed (17)

The job has completed its operation. This value should be combined with either OK, Error, or Degraded to indicate to a client whether the complete operation Completed with OK and passed, or completed with Error and failed, or completed with Degraded and finished the operation, but did not complete OK or did not report an error.

Power Mode (18)

The element has additional power model information that is contained in the associated power management service.

DMTF Reserved


Vendor Reserved



Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_EnabledLogicalElement.EnabledState")

Describes the state of the element when the value of the EnabledState property is Other. This property must be set to NULL when EnabledState is not Other.

This property is inherited from CIM_EnabledLogicalElement.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Deprecated ("CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.OtherTypeDescription"), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_LANConnectivitySegment.OtherTypeDescription", "CIM_LANEndpoint.LANType")


Deprecated description: The type of technology used on the LAN when the LANType property is set to "1" (Other).

This property is deprecated. Instead we recommend that you use the OtherTypeDescription property.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MaxLen (64), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolType", "CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolIFType")

A description of a network protocol type that is used when the ProtocolIFType property is set to "1" (Other); otherwise, this value should be set to null.

This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Override ("ProtocolIFType")

The ProtocolIFType enumeration is limited to Layer 2-related and reserved values for this subclass of ProtocolEndpoint.

Other (1)

Ethernet CSMA/CD (6)

ISO 802.5 Token Ring (9)

FDDI (15)

IANA Reserved (225..4095)

DMTF Reserved (4301..32767)

Vendor Reserved (32768..)


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Deprecated ("CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolIFType"), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.OtherTypeDescription")


Deprecated description: An enumeration used to categorize and classify different instances of this class.

This property is deprecated. Instead, use the ProtocolIFType property.

This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_EnabledLogicalElement.EnabledState")

Indicates the last requested state for the element. The current state is indicated by the EnabledState property. This property enables you to compare the last requested and current states.


When the value of the EnabledState property is Not Applicable, this property has no meaning.

This property is inherited from CIM_EnabledLogicalElement.

The possible values are.

Unknown (0)

Indicates the last requested state for the element is unknown.

Enabled (2)

Indicates that the element executes or could execute commands, processes any queued commands, and queues new requests.

Disabled (3)

Indicates a request to immediately disable the element, such that it does not execute or accept any commands or processing requests.

Shut Down (4)

Indicates a request for an orderly transition to the Disabled state, and might require you to shut off the power to completely erase any existing state.

No Change (5)

No state change has been requested.

Offline (6)

Indicates a request to change to the Enabled but Offline state.

Test (7)

Indicates that the element is in a test state.

Deferred (8)

Indicates that the element might be completing commands, but that it queues any new requests.

Quiesce (9)

Indicates that the element is enabled but is in a restricted mode.

Reboot (10)

Indicates a request to shut down and then change to an Enabled state.

Reset (11)

Indicates a request to change to a Disabled state and then change to an Enabled state.

Not Applicable (12)

Indicates that this instance does not support the RequestedState property.

DMTF Reserved


Vendor Reserved



Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Deprecated ("CIM_ManagedSystemElement.OperationalStatus"), MaxLen (10)

Indicates the primary status of the object.


This property is deprecated. It is replaced by the OperationalStatus property. If you choose to use the Status property for backward compatibility, it should be secondary to the OperationalStatus property.

This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement.


Data type: string array

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: ArrayType ("Indexed"), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_ManagedSystemElement.OperationalStatus")

Indicates descriptions of the corresponding values in the OperationalStatus array. For example, if an element in the OperationalStatus property contains the value Stopping, then the element at the same array index in this property might contain an explanation as to why an object is being stopped.

This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Key, Propagated ("CIM_System.CreationClassName"), MaxLen (256)

The class name used to create an instance of the system that contains the SAP. SystemCreationClassName is combined with other key properties of this class to uniquely identify instances of this class and its subclasses.

This property is inherited from CIM_ServiceAccessPoint.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Key, Propagated ("CIM_System.Name"), MaxLen (256)

The name of the system that contains the SAP.

This property is inherited from CIM_ServiceAccessPoint.


Data type: datetime

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifLastChange")

The date and time when the EnabledState property last changed. If EnabledState has not changed and this property is populated, then it must be set to a zero interval value. If a state change was requested, but rejected or not yet processed, the property must not be updated.

This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008
End of client support
None supported
End of server support
Windows Server 2012 R2

See also
