Delen via

JScript Source: KeyFromNode.js


[This sample code uses features that were implemented in MSXML 5.0 for Microsoft Office Applications. XML digital signatures are not supported in MXSML 6.0 and later.]

var xmldoc, xmldsig
var szResult = "";

DSIGNS = "xmlns:ds=''";
sigfile = "signature.dsa.xml"

if (LoadXML(sigfile)) {

  if (VerifyXML()) {

/////////  Helper functions: /////////
function alert(str) { WScript.echo(str); } 

///////// Set signature for signing: ////////
function LoadXML(file)
   try {
     xmldoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDOcument.5.0");
     xmldsig= new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.MXDigitalSignature.5.0");
   catch (e) {
     alert("Installation of mxsml5 is required to run this app.\n");
     return false;
   xmldoc.async = false;
   xmldoc.preserveWhiteSpace = true;
   xmldoc.validateOnParse = false;
   if (!xmldoc.load(file)) {
     alert("Can't load "+ file + "\n");
     return false;
   szResult += "\nInput signature element:\n\n" + xmldoc.xml;

   xmldoc.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", DSIGNS);
   xmldsig.signature = xmldoc.selectSingleNode(".//ds:Signature");

   return true;

function VerifyXML()
   if (!xmldsig.signature) {
      alert("Invalid signature.\n");
      return false;
   var oKeyInfo = xmldoc.selectSingleNode(".//ds:KeyInfo/ds:KeyValue");
   var oKey = xmldsig.createKeyFromNode(oKeyInfo);   
   var oVerifiedKey = xmldsig.verify(oKey); 
   if (oVerifiedKey == null) {
      alert("Signature Verification failed.\n");
   else {
      szResult += ("\nThe signature has been verified.\n");
   return true;

Try It!

  1. Ensure that you have completed all the procedures in Getting Started with XML Digital Signatures.

  2. Copy the XML signature resource file, and paste it into a text file. Save the file as signature.dsa.xml.

  3. Copy the JScript listing above, and paste it into a text file. Save the file as KeyFromNode.js, in the same directory where you saved signature.dsa.xml.

  4. From a command prompt, navigate to this directory, then type "cscript KeyFromNode.js".


    Under operating systems other than Windows 2000 or Windows XP, you might need to install Windows Scripting Host (to run wscript.exe or cscript.exe), if it is not already installed.

  5. Verify that your output is the same as that listed in the Output topic.