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Using the ServerXMLHTTP Security Options


The bstrUser and bstrPassword parameters of the open method of ServerXMLHTTP allow users to log onto Web servers secured with basic authentication. Both the bstrUser and bstrPassword parameters are sent in clear text (data that is transmitted as clearly readable text characters).

The following example demonstrates how to use the optional bstrUser and bstrPassword parameters of the open method of ServerXMLHTTP to retrieve an XML document from a Web server secured with basic authentication.


   var objSrvHTTP;  
   objSrvHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0"); ("GET","http://someotherserver/secure.asp",false, _  
                       "testuser", "testpassword";  
   objSrvHTTP.send ();  
   Response.ContentType = "text/xml";  
   Response.Write (objSrvHTTP.responseXML.xml);  