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suppress-validation-fatalError Feature


This feature determines whether the SAX reader will prevent (true) or allow (false) fatal errors if there is a validation error when using ISAXXMLReader Interface and XSD schemas.

This property has security implications. For more information, see MSXML Security Overview and SAX2 Security.

JScript Syntax

oSaxReader.putFeature(strFeature, vBool);  
vBool= oSaxReader.getFeature(strFeature);  

Visual Basic Syntax

(strFeature, vBool)  
vBool= oSaxReader.getFeature

C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT putFeature(BSTR strFeature, VARIANT vBool);  
HRESULT getFeature(BSTR strFeature, VARIANT* vBool);  


A BSTR string whose value is "suppress-validation-fatalError".

A VARIANT_BOOL value of true or false that indicates the value of the feature. If this feature is set to true, the SAX reader will not generate a fatal error if only validation errors occur when using the ISAXXMLReader interface and XSD schemas. If false, a fatal error will occur if there is a validation error. The default is false.

Applies to

Interface: ISAXXMLReader Interface

Method: putFeature Method | getFeature Method


Implemented in: MSXML 6.0 only

See Also

SAX2 Security