Mixed Minimum Rules rule set
The Microsoft Mixed Minimum Rules focus on the most critical problems in your C++ projects that support the Common Language Runtime, including potential security holes and application crashes. You should include this rule set in any custom rule set you create for your C++ projects that support the Common Language Runtime.
Rule |
Description |
Using Uninitialized Memory |
Dereferencing Null Pointer |
Use Of Unchecked Value |
Zero Termination From Call |
Bad Concatenation |
Missing String Argument To Format Function |
Missing Integer Argument To Format Function |
Missing Pointer Argument To Format Function |
Missing String Pointer Argument To Format Function |
Returning uninitialized memory |
Index Exceeds Buffer Maximum |
Index Exceeds Stack Buffer Maximum |
Missing Float Argument To Format Function |
Extra Argument To Format Function |
Non-Float Argument To Format Function |
Non-Integer Argumen To Format Function |
Non-Character Argument To Format Function |
Invalid String Cast |
Invalid CreateProcess Call |
Invalid Object Argument To Format Function |
Logical-Not Bitwise-And Precedence |
Logical-Not Bitwise-Or Precedence |
Invalid Character String Argument To Format Function |
Invalid Wide Character String Argument To Format Function |
Mismatched Size And Count Use |
Incorrect Variable Argument Function Call |
Potential Argument Type Mismatch |
Read Overrun |
Write Overrun |
Invalid Parameter Value |
Invalid Attribute Property |
Conflicting Attribute Property Values |
References Cannot Be Null |
Null On Non-Pointer |
MustCheck On Void |
Buffer Size On Non-Pointer Or Array |
Null Mismatch At Dereference Zero |
Write Access On Constant |
Return Used On Precondition |
Null Terminated On Non-Pointer |
MustCheck Must Be Yes Or No |
Element Size Without Buffer Size |
Buffer Size Exceeds Array Size |
Buffer Size On Non-Pointer |
No Properties On Attribute |
Valid Size On Non-Readable Buffer |
Writable Size On Non-Writable Buffer |
Invalid annotation: value of the 'NeedsRelease' property must be Yes or No |
Invalid Size String Dereference |
Invalid Size String Type |
Invalid Size String Parameter |
Invalid Size String Unreachable Location |
Invalid Size String Buffer Type |
Invalid annotation: 'NeedsRelease' property may not be used on values of void type |
Unrecognized Format String Style |
The use of attribute annotations on this function will invalidate all of its existing __declspec annotations |
Invalid size specification: expression not parsable |
Invalid Deref= or Notref=: expression not parsable |
The value is not a valid Yes/No/Maybe value |
The value is not a string value |
The value is not a number |
Unexpected Annotation Expression Error |
Expected number of arguments for annotation does not match actual number of arguments for annotation |
Unexpected Annotation Error for annotation |
The parameter being annotated must be a pointer |
Dereferencing NULL pointer. The pointer contains the same NULL value as another pointer did. |
Illegal reference to non-static member |
Ambiguous reference to class member. |
_Success_ or _On_failure_ used in an illegal context |
Left operand points to a struct, use '->' |
Left operand is a struct, use '.' |
Annotations for the __on_failure context must not be in explicit pre context |
Static context name expected for SAL_context |
Pointer expression expected for annotation |
The _Use_decl_annotations_ annotation must be used to reference, without modification, a prior declaration. |
Attribute parameter names must be p1...p9 |
The typefix cannot be applied to a parameter that already has a typefix |
The checkReturn annotation only applies to postconditions for the specific function parameter. |
For function, the number of parameters to annotation does not match that found at file |
For function paramteer, the annotation's parameter does not match that found at file |
Member of enumeration expected for annotation the parameter in the annotation |
Integer expression expected for annotation the parameter in the annotation |
String expression expected for the parameter in the annotation |
__yes, __no, or __maybe expected for annotation |
Did not find expected Token/identifier for annotation, parameter |
Annotation requires parameters |
Did not find the correct number of required parameters in annotation |
Annotation cannot also be a PrimOp (in current declaration) |
Annotation cannot also be a PrimOp (see prior declaration) |
Annotation parameter: cannot use type in annotations |
Annotation does not support parameters |
The type of parameter has no member. |
Annotation is only valid on array |
pre, post, or deref not applied to any annotation |
pre, post, or deref applied to a block |
__at expression does not apply to current function |
The function cannot stand alone as an annotation |
The annotation cannot be used in an expression |
The annotation on parameter is no longer supported |
The annotation on parameter has more than one of value, stringValue, and longValue. Use paramn=xxx |
The annotation on parameter has both value, stringValue, or longValue; and paramn=xxx. Use only paramn=xxx |
The annotation on parameter has param2 but no param1 |
The annotation for function on parameter is not recognized |
The annotation for function on parameter requires more dereferences than the actual type annotated allows |
The annotation for function annotates 'this' on a non-member-function |
The parameter annotation for function does not match the type of the parameter |
Inconsistent annotation for function: the prior instance has an error. |
Inconsistent annotation for function: this instance has an error. |
Inconsistent annotation for function: parameter has another annotations on this instance. |
Inconsistent annotation for function: parameter has another annotations on this instance. |
dynamic_cast<>() is not supported in annotations |
A syntax error in the annotation was found in function, for annotation |
A syntax error in a conditional annotation was found for Intrinsic annotation |
Result lists values must be constants. |
A syntax error in the annotations was found annotation in the function. |
The annotation for function, parameter when examining is inconsistent with the function declaration |
For function, the clues are inconsistent with the function declaration |
The parameter to _Macro_value_ is null |
For symbol, a 'begin' was found without a matching 'end' |
For symbol, an 'end' was found without a matching 'begin' |
Format Strings must be in preconditions |
For function, syntax error in parameter |
For function, syntax error near the end |
For function, syntax Error in _At_() annotation (unrecognized parameter name) |
For function, syntax Error in _At_() annotation (invalid parameter name) |
For function: ReadableTo or WritableTo did not have a limit-spec as a parameter |
the annotation for function contains more Externals than the actual number of parameters |
post null/notnull at deref level 0 is meaningless for function. |
Expression operands of incompatible types for operator |
No annotations for first declaration of function. |
An extra _Deref_ operator was found on annotation. |
An ambiguous _Deref_ operator was found on annotation. |
An improperly placed _Notref_ operator was found applied to token. |
An error while parsing a token was discovered. |
The annotation describes a situation that is not conditionally applicable. |
The annotation describes where a dynamic value (a variable) cannot be used in the condition. |
Types that own disposable fields should be disposable |
Remove empty finalizers |
Disposable fields should be disposed |
Overload operator equals on overriding ValueType.Equals |