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Call this function to insert a new item in a tree view control.

HTREEITEM InsertItem( 
   LPTVINSERTSTRUCT lpInsertStruct  
HTREEITEM InsertItem( 
   UINT nMask, 
   LPCTSTR lpszItem, 
   int nImage, 
   int nSelectedImage, 
   UINT nState, 
   UINT nStateMask, 
   LPARAM lParam, 
   HTREEITEM hParent, 
   HTREEITEM hInsertAfter  
HTREEITEM InsertItem( 
   LPCTSTR lpszItem, 
   HTREEITEM hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST  
HTREEITEM InsertItem( 
   LPCTSTR lpszItem, 
   int nImage, 
   int nSelectedImage, 
   HTREEITEM hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST 


  • lpInsertStruct
    A pointer to a TVINSERTSTRUCT that specifies the attributes of the tree view item to be inserted.

  • nMask
    Integer specifying which attributes to set. See the TVITEM structure in the Windows SDK.

  • lpszItem
    Address of a string containing the item's text.

  • nImage
    Index of the item's image in the tree view control's image list.

  • nSelectedImage
    Index of the item's selected image in the tree view control's image list.

  • nState
    Specifies values for the item's states. See Tree View Control Item States in the Windows SDK for a list of appropriate states.

  • nStateMask
    Specifies which states are to be set. See the TVITEM structure in the Windows SDK.

  • lParam
    A 32-bit application-specific value associated with the item.

  • hParent
    Handle of the inserted item's parent.

  • hInsertAfter
    Handle of the item after which the new item is to be inserted.

Return Value

Handle of the new item if successful; otherwise NULL.


The example shows situations in which you might want to use each version of the function when inserting a tree control item.


// Insert a root item using the structure. We must 
// initialize a TVINSERTSTRUCT structure and pass its 
// address to the call. 

tvInsert.hParent = NULL;
tvInsert.hInsertAfter = NULL;
tvInsert.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT;
tvInsert.item.pszText = _T("United States");

HTREEITEM hCountry = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem(&tvInsert);

// Insert subitems of that root. Pennsylvania is 
// a state in the United States, so its item will be a child 
// of the United States item. We won't set any image or states, 
// so we supply only the TVIF_TEXT mask flag. This 
// override provides nearly complete control over the 
// insertion operation without the tedium of initializing 
// a structure. If you're going to add lots of items 
// to a tree, you might prefer the structure override 
// as it affords you a performance win by allowing you 
// to initialize some fields of the structure only once, 
// outside of your insertion loop.

HTREEITEM hPA = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem(TVIF_TEXT,
   _T("Pennsylvania"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, hCountry, NULL);

// Insert the "Washington" item and assure that it is
// inserted after the "Pennsylvania" item. This override is 
// more appropriate for conveniently inserting items with  
// images.

HTREEITEM hWA = m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem(_T("Washington"),
   0, 0, hCountry, hPA);

// We'll add some cities under each of the states. 
// The override used here is most appropriate 
// for inserting text-only items.

m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem(_T("Pittsburgh"), hPA, TVI_SORT);
m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem(_T("Harrisburg"), hPA, TVI_SORT);
m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem(_T("Altoona"), hPA, TVI_SORT);

m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem(_T("Seattle"), hWA, TVI_SORT);
m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem(_T("Kalaloch"), hWA, TVI_SORT);
m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem(_T("Yakima"), hWA, TVI_SORT);


Header: afxcmn.h

See Also


CTreeCtrl Class

Hierarchy Chart





Tree View Control Reference