.gif) |
IActionRecordingHelper |
Provides a mapping connection between action recordings and their associated test cases. |
.gif) |
IAttachmentCollection |
Represents a collection of attachments that is associated with test objects, such as test cases, test steps, test runs, test results, and shared steps. |
.gif) |
IAttachmentOwner |
Represents the functionality that is required for an object to support attachments. |
.gif) |
IAttachmentUploadEntry |
Represents the information in IAttachmentUploadManager to track the background upload of a single attachment. |
.gif) |
IAttachmentUploadManager |
Provides properties and methods to manage background attachment uploads. |
.gif) |
IBugFieldMapping |
Represents the mapping of bug field properties to their work item tracking fields. |
.gif) |
IBugFieldMappingHelper |
Provides helper methods for bug field mapping objects in Visual Studio Test Professional. |
.gif) |
IBuildConfiguration |
Represents the build outputs for a specific platform and flavor against a specific build. |
.gif) |
IBuildCoverage |
Represents the coverage information pertaining to a build. |
.gif) |
IBuildFilter |
Defines the criteria to use to choose a build to associate with a test plan. |
.gif) |
ICoverage |
Represents the coverage information |
.gif) |
ICoverageAnalysisManager |
Manages interaction with coverage related API |
.gif) |
ICoverageStatistics |
Represents various statistics associated with coverage. |
.gif) |
IDataCollectorHelper |
Represents methods for a set of data collectors that is registered on the Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. |
.gif) |
IDataCollectorInformation |
Represents information about a data collector that is registered in the Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. |
.gif) |
IDataCollectorInformationCollection |
A collection of information about data collectors. |
.gif) |
IDynamicTestSuite |
Represents a test suite that is populated dynamically by a Work Item Query Language (WIQL) query. |
.gif) |
IDynamicTestSuiteBase |
Provides a common base class for all suites that are populated by the server. |
.gif) |
IFunctionCoverage |
Represents coverage information pertaining to a function. |
.gif) |
IIdentifiable<TKey> |
Specifies that the object that implements this interface is identified by an object of specified generic parameter. |
.gif) |
IImpactedTestPoint |
Represents a test point that has been affected by a build. |
.gif) |
IImpactedTestPointCollection |
Represents a collection of test points that is affected by a build. |
.gif) |
IMachineRole |
Describes a type of machine role for a testenvironment, such as the Web server role or the client role. |
.gif) |
IMachineRoleCollection |
Represents a collection of machine roles. |
.gif) |
IMeasurementBlockProxy |
IMeasurementBlockProxy. |
.gif) |
IModuleCoverage |
Represents coverage information pertaining to a module. |
.gif) |
INewBuildStatistics |
Provides statistics about the changes in the build since the last build was associated with the test plan. |
.gif) |
IPropertyOwner |
Provides a common interface for objects that support property binding. |
.gif) |
IRequirementTestSuite |
Represents a test suite that is populated dynamically by finding test cases that are associated with a requirement work item. |
.gif) |
ISession |
Represent the execution of a charter. |
.gif) |
ISessionBookmark |
Interface to represent the session book mark. |
.gif) |
ISessionHelper |
.gif) |
ISessionNote |
Interface to represent the session note. |
.gif) |
ISharedStep |
Represents a reusable collection of test actions. |
.gif) |
ISharedStepCollection |
Infrastructure. Represents a collection of shared steps. |
.gif) |
ISharedStepHelper |
No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. |
.gif) |
ISharedStepReference |
This interface is used to call a shared step set from a test case. |
.gif) |
ISharedStepResult |
Represents the result of executing a shared step. The action ID will correspond to the action ID of the SharedStepReference that called the shared ste. |
.gif) |
IStaticTestSuite |
Represents a test suite that consists of a user-specified list of test cases. |
.gif) |
ITestAction |
Represents a single action and expected result. |
.gif) |
ITestActionGroup |
Represents a group of test actions, each of which may contain other nested action groups. |
.gif) |
ITestActionResult |
Represents the result of a single test action. |
.gif) |
ITestAttachment |
Encapsulates a stream of bytes that is stored on the test management server. |
.gif) |
ITestBase |
Contains the common properties and methods of ITestCase and ISharedStep |
.gif) |
ITestCase |
A set of data representing a test case stored in the test management server. |
.gif) |
ITestCaseCollection |
Represents a container for test cases. |
.gif) |
ITestCaseHelper |
Provides helper methods and properties for ITestCase objects. |
.gif) |
ITestCaseQuery |
Represents a stored test case query. |
.gif) |
ITestCaseResult |
Represents the status of a test case executed against a test run. |
.gif) |
ITestCaseResultCollection |
Collection for TestCaseResults |
.gif) |
ITestCaseResultHelper |
Provides helper methods and properties for ITestCaseResult objects. |
.gif) |
ITestCaseResultIdentifier |
Represents the complete unique identifier for a test case result. |
.gif) |
ITestConfiguration |
Provides test configuration information for a test management object, such as an ITestPlan object. |
.gif) |
ITestConfigurationCollection |
Represents a collection of ITestConfiguration objects. |
.gif) |
ITestConfigurationHelper |
Provides helper properties and methods for test configuration objects. |
.gif) |
ITestController |
Registers a test controller with the Visual Studio Test Professional. |
.gif) |
ITestControllerHelper |
Provides helper methods for test controllers. |
.gif) |
ITestEnvironment |
Represents a test environment in the test management client. |
.gif) |
ITestEnvironmentHelper |
Provides a helper interface with methods for test environments. |
.gif) |
ITestExternalLink |
Represents a link to an external object. |
.gif) |
ITestExternalLinkCollection |
Represents a collection of links to external objects. |
.gif) |
ITestFailureType |
Represents the failure type of a test case result |
.gif) |
ITestFailureTypeHelper |
.gif) |
ITestImplementation |
Represents a link to the implementation of an automated test. |
.gif) |
ITestIterationResult |
Represents the result of an execution of a test case against a row of data. |
.gif) |
ITestIterationResultCollection |
Represents a collection of test iteration results that are shown in a test result. |
.gif) |
ITestManagementService |
Represents the main object for the test management client API. Provides access to project collection level helper objects and ITestManagementTeamProject. |
.gif) |
ITestManagementTeamProject |
Provides test case management functionality for a team project. |
.gif) |
ITestMessageLogEntry |
Represents a log entry for a test object. |
.gif) |
ITestMessageLogOwner |
Represents the owner of a log. |
.gif) |
ITestObject<T> |
Infrastructure. Provides a base interface for objects that are stored on the Visual Studio Test Professional server. |
.gif) |
ITestObjectCollection<TObjectInterface> |
Infrastructure. Represents the base interface for collections of test management objects. |
.gif) |
ITestParameter |
Represents a parameter used in a test step. |
.gif) |
ITestPlan |
No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. |
.gif) |
ITestPlanCollection |
Infrastructure. Represents a collection of test plans. |
.gif) |
ITestPlanHelper |
No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. |
.gif) |
ITestPoint |
Represents the execution state of a test case in a suite against a configuration as part of a test plan. |
.gif) |
ITestPointAssignment |
Provides helper methods for the AssignTestPoints method. |
.gif) |
ITestPointCollection |
Represents a collection of test points for the test point query methods in the ITestPlan interface. |
.gif) |
ITestPointHelper |
.gif) |
ITestPointProperties |
Represents the mutable properties of a test point. These are tracked historically. |
.gif) |
ITestPointStatistic |
Represent a count of test points per test plan for a combination of TestPointState, TestResultState and TestOutcome. |
.gif) |
ITestPointStatistics |
Represents counts of points in various states as selected by ITestPlan.QueryTestPointStatistics() |
.gif) |
ITestPointStatisticsByPivot |
.gif) |
ITestPointStatisticsPivotItem |
.gif) |
ITestResolutionState |
Infrastructure. Represents the resolution status of a test case result. |
.gif) |
ITestResolutionStateHelper |
No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. |
.gif) |
ITestResolutionStateStatistic |
Infrastructure. Represents the statistics for a particular resolution state in a test run. |
.gif) |
ITestResult |
Provides a base interface for results from test cases, test actions, and test iterations. |
.gif) |
ITestResultParameter |
Infrastructure. Represents the expected and actual values of a parameter during a test execution. |
.gif) |
ITestRun |
Represents an execution of a set of tests against a specific build. |
.gif) |
ITestRunBase |
No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. |
.gif) |
ITestRunCoverage |
Represents the coverage information pertaining to a test run. |
.gif) |
ITestRunHelper |
Provides helper properties and methods for test run objects in Visual Studio Test Professional. |
.gif) |
ITestRunStatistic |
Represents a count of results for test runs that have a specific resolution state, result outcome, and result state. |
.gif) |
ITestRunStatistics |
Represents the counts of several aspects of test results for a test run. |
.gif) |
ITestSettings |
Represents the test settings that are used by test plans and test runs. |
.gif) |
ITestSettingsHelper |
Provides helper properties and methods for test settings objects in Visual Studio Test Professional. |
.gif) |
ITestSettingsMachineRole |
Represents a machine role that is associated with a test settings object. |
.gif) |
ITestSettingsMachineRoleCollection |
Represents a collection of machine roles that is associated with a test settings object. |
.gif) |
ITestStep |
Represents a single test action and expected test result. |
.gif) |
ITestStepResult |
Represents the test result of execution of a single test step. |
.gif) |
ITestSuiteBase |
Generic notion of a Test Suite, Test suites may be based on Queries IDynamicTestSuite or on an explicit list of ids of TestCases or other TestSuites IStaticTestSuite |
.gif) |
ITestSuiteCollection |
Infrastructure. Represents a collection of test suites. |
.gif) |
ITestSuiteEntry |
Represents an entry in a test suite entry collection. |
.gif) |
ITestSuiteEntryCollection |
Represents a collection of test suite entries. |
.gif) |
ITestSuiteHelper |
No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. |
.gif) |
ITestVariable |
Represents a variable name that is used in test configurations and its possible values. |
.gif) |
ITestVariableHelper |
Provides helper properties and methods for test variable objects in Visual Studio Test Professional. |
.gif) |
ITestVariableValue |
Represents a possible value for a test variable. |
.gif) |
ITfsIdentityStore |
Manages an identity cache which is loaded from disk and periodically refreshed from the identity management service. |
.gif) |
ITmiTestImplementation |
Represents a link to an automated test in the unit test infrastructure. |