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Define the initial configuration of Team Foundation Build

You can customize a team project's initial build permissions that are used by Team Foundation Build. The build.xml plug-in file specifies the security permissions for build activities of all team projects that are created with the same process template. The following template files are uploaded to the team project database:


Starting with Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2013, the build.xml plug-in no longer uploads build template files.

The following table summarizes the names of the file, the folder, and the plug-in for the process templates for Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF).

File name:


Folder name:


Plug-in name:



You can change the names of the XML file and the folder but not of the plug-in. Team Foundation Server does not include a mechanism for the deployment of client-side plug-ins, policies, or other modifications. If you want to deploy this kind of functionality, you must use your own distribution and installation program.

In the Build.xml file, you specify one or more tasks and their dependencies. The TSF plug-in file specifies the permissions that are assigned to specific TFS default groups. For information about how to customize the initial security configuration for Lab Management, see Control access to functional areas. For more information about the task, taskXml, and dependency elements, see Define the tasks to process a plug-in and Define dependencies for task groups and tasks in plug-in files.

The following code represents the default build.xml file that is defined for the TFS process templates:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <task id="BuildTask" name="Add Build Permissions" plugin="Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build" completionMessage="Build tasks completed.">
    <dependencies />
      <!-- Project-level groups -->
      <Permission allow="ViewBuilds, ViewBuildDefinition" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Readers" />
      <Permission allow="EditBuildQuality, ViewBuilds, QueueBuilds, ViewBuildDefinition" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Contributors" />
      <Permission allow="DeleteBuilds, DestroyBuilds, EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQualities, RetainIndefinitely, ViewBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, QueueBuilds, StopBuilds, DeleteBuildDefinition, EditBuildDefinition, ViewBuildDefinition, AdministerBuildPermissions" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Build Administrators" />
      <Permission allow="DeleteBuilds, DestroyBuilds, EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQualities, RetainIndefinitely, ViewBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, QueueBuilds, StopBuilds, DeleteBuildDefinition, EditBuildDefinition, ViewBuildDefinition, AdministerBuildPermissions" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\$$PROJECTADMINGROUP$$" />
      <!-- Collection-level groups -->
      <Permission allow="EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQueue, OverrideBuildCheckInValidation, QueueBuilds, UpdateBuildInformation, ViewBuildDefinition, ViewBuilds" identity="$$PROJECTCOLLECTIONBUILDSERVICESGROUP$$" />
      <Permission allow="ViewBuildDefinition, EditBuildDefinition, DeleteBuildDefinition, QueueBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, StopBuilds, ViewBuilds, EditBuildQuality, RetainIndefinitely, DeleteBuilds, ManageBuildQualities, DestroyBuilds, AdministerBuildPermissions" identity="$$PROJECTCOLLECTIONBUILDADMINSGROUP$$" />
      <Permission allow="DeleteBuilds, DestroyBuilds, EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQualities, RetainIndefinitely, ViewBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, QueueBuilds, StopBuilds, DeleteBuildDefinition, EditBuildDefinition, ViewBuildDefinition, AdministerBuildPermissions, OverrideBuildCheckInValidation" identity="$$PROJECTCOLLECTIONADMINGROUP$$" />

See Also


Control access to functional areas