Delen via

SqlScriptResourceComponent Class

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.dll)


Public Class SqlScriptResourceComponent _
    Inherits TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent
public class SqlScriptResourceComponent : TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent
public ref class SqlScriptResourceComponent : public TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent
type SqlScriptResourceComponent =  
        inherit TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent 
public class SqlScriptResourceComponent extends TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent

The SqlScriptResourceComponent type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SqlScriptResourceComponent(String, ITFLogger)
Public method SqlScriptResourceComponent(TeamFoundationRequestContext, String, ITFLogger)



  Name Description
Protected property Author The author is defined as the source of the change that caused the notification. See Author for more information. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected property BoundParameters Returns the number of currently bound parameters. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected property Command The SQL command that is used by the [SqlResourceComponent]. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public property CommandTimeout
Protected property Connection The [SqlConnection] used by this [SqlResourceComponent]. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected property ConnectionString The connection string (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected property ContainerErrorCode Read and Write the container error code for this component. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public property DatabaseCategory Read database category. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected property DataReader The [SqlDataReader] returned by the last [SqlCommand] execute. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public property DataSource Gets the name or network address of the instance of SQL Server to connect to. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected property DeadlockPause Number of milliseconds to pause before retrying after a deadlock occurs. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected property ExecutionTimeThreshold At which time do we trace this call (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public property InitialCatalog Gets the name of the database associated with the component. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public property IsSqlAzure Returns true if component is used against SQL Azure. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected property Logger
Protected property LoggingOptions Controls whether TIME and IO statistics (or other information message output) should be collected and logged. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected property MaxDeadlockRetries Maximum number of times to retry the operation if a deadlock occurs. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public property PartitionId The id of the partition this component is associated with. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected property PerformanceOptions Whether or not to obtain context information, and how much to throttle. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected property ProcedureName Name of the procedure currently being executed. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected property RequestContext The request context of the current request. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected property SelectedFeatures Selected SQL resource component options. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected property StatementIndex Index used by the last [AddStatement]. -1 if [AddStatement] has not been called. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected property TraceArea Can be used in trace definitions to filter tracing to a specific area. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected property TranslatedExceptions (Overrides TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.TranslatedExceptions.)
Public property Version The version of the service's schema (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)



  Name Description
Protected method AddStatement(String) Add a statement to the current SQL batch. You must call [PrepareSqlBatch] before you call [AddStatement]. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method AddStatement(String, Int32) Add a statement to the current SQL batch. You must call [PrepareSqlBatch] before you call [AddStatement]. If the number of parameters that will be added by using this statement will exceed the maximum number of allowed parameters in a single SQL batch, the statements that are already part of the batch will be executed, and then a new batch will begin with the statement that's being added. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method AddStatement(String, Int32, Boolean) Add a statement to the current SQL batch. You must call [PrepareSqlBatch] before you call [AddStatement]. If the number of parameters that will be added by using this statement will exceed the maximum number of allowed parameters in a single SQL batch, the statements that are already part of the batch will be executed, and then a new batch will begin with the statement that's being added. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method AddStatement(String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) Add a statement to the current SQL batch. You must call [PrepareSqlBatch] before you call [AddStatement]. If the number of parameters that will be added by using this statement will exceed the maximum number of allowed parameters in a single SQL batch, the statements that are already part of the batch will be executed, and then a new batch will begin with the statement that's being added. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public method BeginTransaction Used to wrap several calls in a single transaction. All executes on this component will be in the transaction until [Commit] or [RollBack] are called. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindBinary(String, array<Byte[], SqlDbType) This is a helper function that handles binding a binary value to a [sqlparameter]. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindBinary(String, array<Byte[], Int32, SqlDbType) A helper function that handles binding a binary value to a [sqlparameter]. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindBoolean A helper function that handles binding a Boolean or a bit value to a [sqlparameter]. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindByte(String, Byte) A helper function that handles binding an 8-bit value to its [sqlparameters]. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindByte(String, Byte, Byte) A helper function that handles binding an 8-bit value that might be null to its [sqlparameters]. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindDateTime A helper function that handles binding a date/time value to a [sqlparameter]. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindDefault A helper function that handles binding a value to default type. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindGuid This is a helper function that handles binding GUIDs to their [sqlparameters]. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindInt A helper function that handles binding a 32-bit value to its [sqlparameters]. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindLong A helper function that handles binding a 64-bit value to its [sqlparameters]. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindNullableBoolean (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindNullableByte This is a helper function that handles binding an 8-bit value to its [sqlparameters]. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindNullableDateTime (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindNullableGuid A helper function that handles binding GUIDs to their [sqlparameters]. The value [Guid.Empty] is considered NULL and a NULL is bound to the given parameter. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindNullableInt If parameterValue == nullValue, a NULL is bound to the given parameter. Otherwise, parameterValue is bound as a 32-bit integer. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindNullableShort If parameterValue == nullValue, a NULL is bound to the given parameter. Otherwise, parameterValue is bound as a 16-bit integer (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindNullValue This is a generic binding helper that builds a specific parameter typed null value. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindShort This is a helper function that handles binding 16 bit value to their sqlparameters. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindString(String, String, Int32, BindStringBehavior, SqlDbType) This is a helper function that handles binding strings to their [SqlParameters]. It makes sure that null values are correctly handled. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindString(String, String, Int32, Boolean, SqlDbType) This is a helper function that handles binding strings to their [SqlParameters].It makes sure that null values are correctly handled. This is the old version of this method; use the overload that takes a [BindStringBehavior] to be more explicit about how null and empty strings are to be handled. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindSysname A helper function that handles binding [sysname] strings to their [sqlparameters]. It makes sure null values are correctly set up. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindTable<T> Binds a table. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindXml(String, TeamFoundationDatabaseXmlWriter) Used to bind an XML document to an XML parameter. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method BindXml(String, String) Used to bind an XML document to an XML parameter. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public method Cancel (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method CanRetryOnException Indicates whether the SQL exception can be retried. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method CanRetryOnSqlError (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public method CommitTransaction Commit the transaction that is active for this component. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public method Dispose (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public method Equals Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Execute Internal helper that encapsulates the logic for [ExecuteReader] and [ExecuteNonQuery]. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method ExecuteNonQuery() Executes the current SQL command and does not produce a result set. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method ExecuteNonQuery(Boolean) Executes the current SQL command and does not produce a result set. The only result is the Return Value, which is a single scalar value. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method ExecuteReader() Overload using default command behavior. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) Executes the current SQL command and returns a reader. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method ExecuteScalar Execute the current SQL command by using [ExecuteScalar()] and stores the result. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public method ExecuteScript(SqlScript)
Public method ExecuteScript(SqlScript, array<SqlParameter[])
Public method ExecuteScript(SqlScript, array<SqlParameter[], List<ServiceVersionEntry>)
Public method ExecuteScripts(List<SqlScript>)
Public method ExecuteScripts(List<SqlScript>, array<SqlParameter[], List<ServiceVersionEntry>, Boolean)
Public method ExecuteStatement(String)
Public method ExecuteStatement(String, array<SqlParameter[])
Public method ExecuteStatementScalar
Protected method ExecuteUnknown(Object) Executes the current SQL command by using [ExecuteUnknown()] and returns the object. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method ExecuteUnknown(SqlDataReader, Object) The method that is used by [ExecuteUnknown()] to populate an object based on a reader caller of [ExecuteUnknown] must override this method. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method FlushBatch Flush the batch that is pended to this point and create a new batch so that users may call [AddStatement] again. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public method GetHashCode Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetParameterName Helper method to format a parameter name. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method GetSqlErrorNumberAsString (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method GetSqlErrorNumbers (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method HandleCustomException Handle custom exceptions. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method HandleException Determine whether the SQL exception can be handled; SQL exceptions that cannot be retried or mapped are "unhandled." (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method Initialize(String) Initializes a component. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method Initialize(TeamFoundationRequestContext, String, Int32) (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method Initialize(String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Initializes a component. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method MapException(SqlException) Map a SQL exception into an application-specific exception, if it is possible. Otherwise, the exception is reported using Watson. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method MapException(SqlException, QueryExecutionState) Map a SQL exception into an application-specific exception, if it is possible. Otherwise, the exception is reported using Watson. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method PrepareConnectionString Allows derived classes to update connection string. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method PrepareSqlBatch(Int32) Setup to execute a batch of SQL statements. This method will close all existing commands or readers. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method PrepareSqlBatch(Int32, Boolean) Setup to execute a batch of SQL statements. This method will close all existing command or reader. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method PrepareStoredProcedure(String) Setup to execute a SQL stored procedure. This method will close all existing commands or readers. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method PrepareStoredProcedure(String, Boolean) Setup to execute a SQL Server stored procedure. This method will close all existing command or reader. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method PrepareStoredProcedure(String, Int32) Setup to execute a SQL stored procedure. This method will close all existing commands or readers. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method PrepareStoredProcedure(String, Boolean, Int32) Setup to execute a SQL Server stored procedure. This method will close all existing command or reader. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method ReleaseVerificationLock (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public method RollbackTransaction Roll back and discard all changes that were made during the transaction on this component. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method Sleep (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Trace(Int32, TraceLevel, String, array<Object[]) Push trace messages to the trace service associated with the request context. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method Trace(Int32, TraceLevel, array<String[], String, array<Object[]) Push trace messages to the trace service associated with the request context. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method TraceEnter Trace entry to a method with a consistently formatted message and a time stamp. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method TraceException Report an exception at TraceLevel.Error to the trace log in a consistent way. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method TraceLeave Trace exit from a method with a consistently formatted message and a time stamp. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method TranslateException Examines a SQL Type Exception and transforms it into a more significant one.The default behavior is to do nothing; that is, it is to rethrow the original exception.WIT is the only component that currently overrides the current behavior. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method VerifyInitialized Throws an [InvalidOperationException] if the component is not initialized. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method VerifyInMasterDbOnAzure Throws [InvalidOperationException] if components is used against SQL Azure and the Initial Catalog in the connection string is not master or empty. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Protected method VerifyNotSqlAzure Throws [NotSupportedException] if components are used against SQL Azure. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)
Public method VerifyServiceVersion Connects to the database, takes a shared session lock on the TfsDb resource and verifies that the database supports specified service version.NOTE: This method will be re-written. We must query CONTEXT_INFO(), take a shared lock and query database service version using one query. In addition, we must make sure that the database still supports current component in case we lost connection to the database. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)



  Name Description
Public event InfoMessage Exposes the internal [InfoMessage] event of the [SqlConnection]. Occurs when SQL Server returns a warning or informational message. (Inherited from TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent.)


Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

See Also


Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server Namespace