AccessDeniedException |
Thrown when the client attempts to perform an action to which access is denied. |
AdministrationException |
AdministrationWebService4 |
AgentReservation |
AgentReservationWebService4 |
BuildAgent |
Represents a build agent in a team project collection. |
BuildAgentAlreadyExistsException |
BuildAgentDeletionException |
BuildAgentDoesNotExistException |
BuildAgentQueryResult |
BuildAgentSpec |
Provides properties for querying build agents in a team project collection. |
BuildAgentUpdateException |
BuildAgentUpdateOptions |
Provides properties that may be updated on an existing build agent. |
BuildArtifactProvider |
BuildCompletionEvent |
BuildCompletionEvent2 |
BuildCompletionNotificationEvent |
BuildController |
Represents a build controller in a team project collection. |
BuildControllerAlreadyExistsException |
BuildControllerDeletionException |
BuildControllerDoesNotExistException |
BuildControllerQueryResult |
BuildControllerSpec |
Provides properties for querying build controllers in a team project collection. |
BuildControllerUpdateException |
BuildControllerUpdateOptions |
Provides properties that can be updated on an existing build controller. |
BuildDefinition |
BuildDefinitionAlreadyExistsException |
Thrown when the user attempts to add a new build definition or update an existing build definition with a name that already exists. |
BuildDefinitionChangedEvent |
BuildDefinitionChangingEvent |
BuildDefinitionDisabledException |
Thrown when a build queue try is made against a disabled definition. |
BuildDefinitionDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when the user attempts to reference a build definition in an update or a build request and the definition does not exist. |
BuildDefinitionQueryResult |
BuildDefinitionSpec |
Provides properties for querying build definitions in a team project collection. |
BuildDefinitionUpdateException |
BuildDefinitionUpgradeCompletionEvent |
BuildDeletedEvent |
BuildDeletionResult |
Represents the result of deleting an individual build. |
BuildDeployment |
This class contains the build summary for the actual deployment and the build summary for source build being deployed. |
BuildDeploymentSpec |
Provides properties for querying build deployments in a team project collection. |
BuildDeploymentWebService |
BuildDetail |
Represents a build that has transitioned out of the build queue. |
BuildDetailSpec |
Provides properties for querying builds in a team project collection. |
BuildGroupAlreadyExistsException |
Thrown when the client attempts to create a build group that already exists on the server. |
BuildGroupDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when the client attempts to add an item to a nonexistent build group. |
BuildInformationNode |
Represents a single information node in the build information hierarchy. |
BuildMachineRequestDoesNotExistException |
BuildMachineRequestInProgressException |
BuildMachineRequestUpdateException |
BuildNotDeletedException |
BuildNumberAlreadyExistsException |
Thrown when the client attempts to add a build number that already exists for the given build definition. |
BuildQualityChangedNotificationEvent |
BuildQualityDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when the user attempts to use a non-existent build quality to update a build. |
BuildQueryResult |
BuildQueueQueryResult |
BuildQueueSpec |
Provides properties for querying the build queue in a team project collection. |
BuildQueueWebService4 |
BuildReasonNotSupportedException |
Thrown when the user attempts to queue a build with a reason that is not supported by the definition's process. |
BuildRequest |
Specifies parameters for queuing a build. |
BuildResourceChangedEvent |
BuildServerException |
Base class for common functionality. All exceptions that occur on the build server should use this as a base class. |
BuildServiceHost |
Represents a build service host in a team project collection. |
BuildServiceHostAlreadyExistsException |
BuildServiceHostDeletionException |
BuildServiceHostDoesNotExistException |
BuildServiceHostOwnershipException |
BuildServiceHostQueryResult |
BuildServiceHostUpdateException |
BuildServiceHostUpdateOptions |
Provides properties that can be updated on an existing build service host. |
BuildStatusChangeEvent |
BuildSummary |
This class contains basic build information so the UI can display what it needs |
BuildTeamProjectPermission |
Represents a build project permission for a particular user. |
BuildUpdateOptions |
Provides properties that may be updated on an existing build. |
BuildWebService4 |
BuildWebServiceBase |
CannotDeleteDefinitionBuildExistsException |
Thrown by the server when the user attempts to delete a build definition that still has builds associated with it on the server. |
CannotDeleteInProgressBuildException |
Thrown when the user attempts to delete a build that is currently in progress. |
CannotRedeployException |
CannotStartBuildException |
Thrown when the user attempts to start a queued build but the build cannot start. |
CannotStopBuildException |
Thrown when the user attempts to stop a build before it is received and started on the agent. |
Change |
ChangedEvent |
ChangesetDisplayInformation |
This class contains changeset number, user display name |
CoverageServiceRestartFailureDuringDeleteException |
Thrown when [EDTInteraction] attempts to delete a test run and the coverage service restarts in the middle. |
DeploymentEnvironment |
This class contains all the deployment environment metadata and also the secret environment properties. This class does not serialize the secret values, those are fetched from the client on demand. |
DeploymentEnvironmentCreationData |
DeploymentEnvironmentMetadata |
This class contains the "public" information about a DeploymentEnvironent. This includes the Name, TeamProject, ConnectedServiceName, FriendlyName, Kind, and Description. Used by Clients to display DeploymentEnviornment without revealing the secret information. |
DeploymentEnvironmentNotFoundException |
DeployWebServiceBase |
DuplicateBuildUpdateRequestException |
This exception is thrown when a request is made to update a build two times in the same request. |
DuplicateInformationChangeRequestException |
This exception is thrown when a request is made to delete an information node that has children but the recursive flag was not set. |
DuplicateProcessTemplateException |
Failure |
Represents a failure that occurred during a bulk query. |
GatedCheckInTicketValidationException |
InformationAddRequest |
Represents a request to add a new build information node. |
InformationAddRequestCycleException |
This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to add a cycle to the information tree. |
InformationChangeRequest |
Represents a change request for a build information node. |
InformationChangeRequestException |
This class of exception is thrown when an error is encountered while you try to change build information associated with a particular build. |
InformationDeleteRequest |
Represents a request to delete a build information node. |
InformationEditRequest |
Represents a request to update an existing build information node. |
InformationField |
Represents a key-value pair of strings associated with an information node. |
InformationNodeDoesNotExistException |
InformationParentNodeDoesNotExistException |
This exception is thrown when the user attempts to perform an add or a re-parent during an edit and the required node does not exist. |
InvalidBuildAgentReservationException |
InvalidBuildGroupItemUpdateException |
Thrown when the user attempts to relocate a build group item to another team project. |
InvalidBuildRequestException |
InvalidBuildUriException |
Thrown when the client specifies a build URI that doesn't exist. |
InvalidPlatformFlavorException |
Thrown when the client specifies an unknown platform and flavor combination. |
InvalidQueueRequestException |
InvalidSharedResourceRequestException |
MultipleDefaultProcessTemplatesException |
MultipleUpgradeProcessTemplatesException |
ProcessTemplate |
Represents a process template in a team project. |
ProcessTemplateDeletedException |
Thrown when the user attempts to queue a build for a definition whose process template no longer exists. |
ProcessTemplateNotFoundException |
PropertyChange |
PropertyChange<T> |
QueuedBuild |
Represents an entry in the build queue. |
QueuedBuildDoesNotExistException |
QueuedBuildUpdateException |
QueuedBuildUpdateOptions |
Provides properties that can be updated on an existing queued build. |
RequestedForDisplayInformation |
This class contains requestedFor user tfid and display name |
RetentionPolicy |
Represents an automatic deletion policy for a build definition. |
Schedule |
Represents a build definition schedule. |
SecurityException |
Thrown when the client attempts to perform an action and does not have sufficient permissions. |
SharedResource |
SharedResourceAlreadyAcquiredException |
SharedResourceAlreadyRequestedException |
SharedResourceRequest |
SharedResourceWebService4 |
SoapNamespaces |
SOAP namespaces for all build types and services. |
StopBuildTimeoutException |
Thrown when the build could not be stopped due to a misbehaving activity. |
TeamFoundationBuildResourceService |
Provides methods for manipulating build agents, build controllers, and build service hosts. |
TeamFoundationBuildService |
Provides methods for manipulating builds, build definitions, process templates, and the build queue. Use TeamFoundationServiceHost.GetService<T>() or TeamFoundationRequestContext.GetService<T>() to obtain an instance of this class. |
TeamFoundationDeploymentService |
WorkspaceMapping |
WorkspaceTemplate |
Represents a workspace template for a build definition. |