.gif) |
AdministrationWebService |
.gif) |
AgentReservation2010 |
.gif) |
AgentReservationWebService |
.gif) |
BuildAdministrationQueryResult2010 |
Encapsulates the return value of query administration objects (service hosts, controllers, agents). |
.gif) |
BuildAgent2008 |
.gif) |
BuildAgent2010 |
Represents a build agent in a team project collection. |
.gif) |
BuildAgentQueryResult2010 |
.gif) |
BuildAgentSpec2008 |
Rather than providing a separate server method for querying build agents, you just have to provide a [BuildAgentSpec] when querying instead of the base [BuildItemSpec] if additional filtering is desired (beyond the simple path filter). |
.gif) |
BuildAgentSpec2010 |
Provides properties for querying build agents in a team project collection. |
.gif) |
BuildAgentUpdateOptions2010 |
Provides properties that may be updated on an existing build agent. |
.gif) |
BuildController2010 |
Represents a build controller in a team project collection. |
.gif) |
BuildControllerQueryResult2010 |
.gif) |
BuildControllerSpec2010 |
Provides properties for querying build controllers in a team project collection. |
.gif) |
BuildControllerUpdateOptions2010 |
Provides properties that may be updated on an existing build controller. |
.gif) |
BuildControllerWebService |
.gif) |
BuildData |
.gif) |
BuildDefinition2010 |
.gif) |
BuildDefinitionQueryResult2010 |
.gif) |
BuildDefinitionSpec2010 |
Provides properties for querying build definitions in a team project collection. |
.gif) |
BuildDeletionResult2010 |
Represents the result of deleting an individual build. |
.gif) |
BuildDetail2010 |
Represents a build that has transitioned out of the build queue. |
.gif) |
BuildDetailSpec2010 |
Provides properties for querying builds in a team project collection. |
.gif) |
BuildGroupItem2010 |
Represents an item identified by a group hierarchy. |
.gif) |
BuildGroupItemSpec2010 |
.gif) |
BuildGroupQueryResult |
Encapsulates the result set of querying build groups. Possible items that may come back from this are agents and definitions. |
.gif) |
BuildInformationNode2010 |
Represents a single information node in the build information hierarchy. |
.gif) |
BuildParameters |
.gif) |
BuildQueryResult2008 |
Encapsulates the result of querying builds. Items returned as a result are build detail, definitions, and agents. |
.gif) |
BuildQueryResult2010 |
The build query result class is a streaming result. The results should be read in the following order: Definitions, Builds, Controllers, Agents, ServiceHosts, Failures. If the results are not read in this order, the behavior is undefined. |
.gif) |
BuildQueueQueryResult2008 |
Encapsulates the return value of a query against queued builds. |
.gif) |
BuildQueueQueryResult2010 |
.gif) |
BuildQueueSpec2008 |
.gif) |
BuildQueueSpec2010 |
Provides properties for querying the build queue in a team project collection. |
.gif) |
BuildQueueWebService |
.gif) |
BuildRequest2008 |
.gif) |
BuildRequest2010 |
Specifies parameters for queuing a build. |
.gif) |
BuildService |
.gif) |
BuildServiceHost2010 |
Represents a build service host in a team project collection. |
.gif) |
BuildServiceHostQueryResult2010 |
.gif) |
BuildServiceHostUpdateOptions2010 |
Provides properties that may be updated on an existing build service host. |
.gif) |
BuildStepData |
.gif) |
BuildStoreWebService |
.gif) |
BuildTeamProjectPermission2010 |
Represents a build project permission for a particular user. |
.gif) |
BuildUpdateOptions2010 |
Provides properties that may be updated on an existing build. |
.gif) |
BuildWebService |
.gif) |
ChangeSetData |
.gif) |
CodeCoverageData |
.gif) |
CodeCoverageStatus |
.gif) |
CompilationSummaryData |
.gif) |
Failure2010 |
Represents a failure that occurred during a bulk query. |
.gif) |
InformationAddRequest2010 |
Represents a request to add a new build information node. |
.gif) |
InformationChangeRequest2010 |
Represents a change request for a build information node. |
.gif) |
InformationDeleteRequest2010 |
Represents a request to delete a build information node. |
.gif) |
InformationEditRequest2010 |
Represents a request to update an existing build information node. |
.gif) |
InformationField2010 |
Represents a key-value pair of strings associated with an information node. |
.gif) |
PlatformFlavorData |
.gif) |
ProcessTemplate2010 |
Represents a process template in a team project. |
.gif) |
ProjectData |
.gif) |
QueryResult2010 |
.gif) |
QueuedBuild2008 |
.gif) |
QueuedBuild2010 |
Represents an entry in the build queue. |
.gif) |
QueuedBuildUpdateOptions2010 |
Provides properties that may be updated on an existing queued build. |
.gif) |
RetentionPolicy2010 |
Represents an automatic deletion policy for a build definition. |
.gif) |
RosarioHelper |
.gif) |
Schedule2010 |
Represents a build definition schedule. |
.gif) |
SharedResourceWebService |
.gif) |
TestResultData |
.gif) |
WorkItemData |
.gif) |
WorkspaceMapping2010 |
.gif) |
WorkspaceTemplate2010 |
Represents a workspace template for a build definition. |