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DynamicGraphMetaObject |
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Graph |
Represents a directed graph that consists of nodes and links. |
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GraphCategory |
Graph Categories are used to specify category information on a GraphObject, like nodes and links. |
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GraphCategoryChangedEventArgs |
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GraphCategoryCollection |
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GraphCommand |
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GraphCommandDefinition |
Defines a particular command definition that can be used to group GraphCommands. |
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GraphCommonSchema |
Defines a set of commonly used GraphProperty objects. |
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GraphDataObject |
This class provides IDataObject support for exchanging DGML data via the clipboard and drag/drop. |
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GraphDeserializationProgressEventArgs |
Represents the current progress that the deserializer has made in deserializing the input. |
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GraphEnumerable |
Extension methods for graph types. |
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GraphException |
An exception that is thrown when a parsing error occurs during a GraphNodeId.Parse |
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GraphGroup |
A wrapper on nodes that have IsGroup=true. They do not have a separate identity; they use the identity of the node that they wrap. |
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GraphLink |
Represents a link in the directed graph. |
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GraphLinkCollection |
Instances of this class manage a collection of Links. Ordering is not preserved. |
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GraphMetadata |
This class is used to provide more information about a GraphProperty, including localized strings and flags for controlling how the property appears in a Property Grid window. |
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GraphMetadataContainer |
An object that can have graph specific metadata associated with it. |
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GraphNavigateToItemRanks |
Common rank values for the IGraphNavigateToItem extension. |
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GraphNode |
Represents a node in the directed graph |
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GraphNodeCollection |
This class provides methods for manipulating a collection of Nodes. This class does not preserve the order in which you added the nodes, so that when you enumerate them you will get them back in a random order. |
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GraphNodeId |
A GraphNodeId is a name/value pair, for example "a=b". The left part of this identifier ("a") is represented by a GraphNodeIdName called the "name" and the right hand side, "b" is the "value" part. The value part of a GraphNodeId can be one of the following: * String * Uri * GraphNodeId * GraphNodeIdCollection. Since the Value can be a GraphNodeId or GraphNodeIdCollection, we can use parentheses "()" to specify nesting: e.g., a=(b=c) a=(b=c d=e) (a=b c=d). To construct a nested GraphNodeId list for (a=b c=d), create a GraphNodeIdCollection and assign it to a GraphNodeId:GraphNodeId.Get(GraphNodeIdName.Nested, new GraphNodeIdCollection( GraphNodeId.Get(MyGraphNodeIdNames.a, "b") GraphNodeId.Get(MyGraphNodeIdNames.c, "d")); You can also create this GraphNodeId by using the following simple arithmetic:GraphNodeId ab = GraphNodeId.Get("(a=b)"); GraphNodeId abcd = ab + "(c=d)"; // Yields (a=b c=d) The result can be converted to a string by using ToString() or an implicit string cast operator and will produce "(a=b c=d)".Since GraphNodeIds are stored singleton in a HashSet, they can be compared using operator ==. |
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GraphNodeIdCollection |
Contains a list of GraphNodeIds. This can be stored inside the .Value part of a GraphNodeId. This is an immutable list as soon as it is created. We use an abstract class because this class does not know the formatting required to serialize the list back out to a string. The derived class will know this. |
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GraphNodeIdConverter |
A type converter that can be used to convert to and from GraphNodeId. The editor converter derives from this one. |
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GraphNodeIdName |
The GraphNodeIdName to give to a GraphNodeId. This forms the name and data type of the GraphNodeId. |
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GraphNodeIdPropertyDescriptor |
This is a custom PropertyDescriptor that is used to populate a row in the PropertyGrid with XmlAttribute information and corresponding localized strings for labels and descriptions. |
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GraphObject |
This class makes an object extensible by adding a strongly typed property bag of name/value pairs. |
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GraphObjectChangedEventArgs |
These event args are used by the GraphNodeCollection and GraphLinkCollection Added and Removed events so that you can track which nodes and links are added and removed from the graph. |
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GraphPathSerializationDictionary |
The CommonPaths lets you remap certain attribute values in the DGML. For example, it is nice to have a file path be relative to the solution so the file can be found when that solution is moved. To solve this you can define a path called "SolutionDir" with the value of the full path. Then the GraphSerializer will substitute this path wherever it is found in the DGML with the syntax "$(name)" where name is the Id of the path you provided and it will write out the definition of the paths that are used in a Paths block at the end of the file. When this DGML document is loaded the paths will be substituted with the values in the current CommonPaths and then all the variable references will be expanded with these new values.So a solution folder on your computer might be on drive C someplace, and on drive D on another computer and everything will still just work as expected. |
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GraphPathSerializer |
This class re-writes string values by using the path names in the given CommonPaths. It provides a Serialize method that substitutes paths with a $(name) syntax where the name is the name of the path as registered in the CommonPaths. It also provides a Deserialize method that does the reverse. When all Serialization has completed, you can query the Used property to get a list of just the paths that were used by the Serialize or Deserialize methods. |
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GraphProperty |
Graph Properties are used to annotate a GraphObject, like nodes and links. |
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GraphPropertyCollection |
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GraphProviderAttribute |
Attribute to indicate that the target type is a graph provider. |
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GraphSchema |
A GraphSchema is a simple container of a set of GraphCategory and GraphProperty objects and the GraphMetadata associated with them. |
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GraphSerializationErrorEventArgs |
This class is used to communicate serialization errors if the caller passes a handler to the serializer. |
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GraphSerializationSettings |
Settings for serializing a graph. |
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GraphTransactionCanceledException |
This class can be used to cancel a graph transaction scope and communicate up to the UI layer of your application a reason for the cancelation. |
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GraphTransactionScope |
Represents a highly optimized wrapper around System.Transactions.TransactionScope. This extensively uses thread local storage and is therefore thread-bound. GraphTransactionScope is meant to be called from a using() class, same as TransactionScope. |
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GraphUndoManager<T> |
This class wraps the IOleUndoManager from Visual Studio and adds undo unit merging. |
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GraphUndoUnit |
This class represents one undoable graph change which appears on the VS undo stack. |
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GraphUpdatedEventArgs |
Provides changes to a graph object. |
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UndoableGraphTransactionScope |
This is a special graph transaction scope that can be used for undoable edits (that appear in the host application undo stack). |