Custom Properties List
This section lists the custom properties the Chart control supports. For more information, see Custom Properties.
In This Section
- 3DLabelLineSize
Specifies the 3D label line size as a percentage of the default size.
- AreaDrawingStyle
Specifies the plot area shape in Radar and Polar charts.
- BarLabelStyle
Specifies the placement of the data point label.
- BoxPlotPercentile
Specifies the percentile value of the box of the Box Plot chart.
- BoxPlotSeries
Specifies the name of the series to be used as the data source for the Box Plot chart.
- BoxPlotShowAverage
Specifies whether to display the average value for the Box Plot chart.
- BoxPlotShowMedian
Specifies whether to display the median value for the Box Plot chart.
- BoxPlotShowUnusualValues
Specifies whether the unusual values value for the Box Plot chart will be shown.
- BoxPlotWhiskerPercentile
Specifies the percentile value of the whiskers of the Box Plot chart.
- BoxSize
Specifies the box size in the Renko or Point and Figure charts.
- BubbleMaxSize
Specifies the maximum size of the bubble radius as a percentage of the chart area size.
- BubbleMinSize
Specifies the minimum size of the bubble radius as a percentage of the chart area size.
- BubbleScaleMax
Specifies the maximum bubble size, which is a percentage of the chart area that is set by BubbleMaxSize.
- BubbleScaleMin
Specifies the minimum bubble size, which is a percentage of the chart area that is set by BubbleMinSize.
- BubbleUseSizeForLabel
Specifies whether to use the bubble size as the data point label.
- CalloutLineColor
Specifies the line color of the callout for the data point labels of Funnel or Pyramid charts.
- CircularLabelStyle
Specifies the text orientation of the axis labels in Radar and Polar charts.
- CollectedColor
Specifies the color of the collected pie or doughnut slice.
- CollectedLabel
Specifies the label of the collected pie slice.
- CollectedLegendText
Specifies the legend text for the collected pie slice.
- CollectedSliceExploded
Specifies whether the collected pie slice will be shown as exploded.
- CollectedThreshold
Specifies the threshold value for collecting small pie slices.
- CollectedThresholdUsePercent
Specifies whether to use the collected threshold value as a percentage.
- CollectedToolTip
Specifies the tooltip text of the collected pie slice.
- DoughnutRadius
Specifies the radius of the doughnut portion in the Doughnut chart.
- DrawingStyle
Specifies the drawing style of data points.
- DrawSideBySide
Specifies whether series of the same chart type are drawn next to each other instead of overlapping each other.
- EmptyPointValue
Specifies the value to be used for empty points.
- ErrorBarCenterMarkerStyle
Specifies the appearance of the marker at the center value of the error bar.
- ErrorBarSeries
Specifies the name of the series to be used as the data source for the Error Bar chart calculations.
- ErrorBarStyle
Specifies the visibility of the upper and lower error values.
- ErrorBarType
Specifies how the upper and lower error values are calculated for the center values of the ErrorBarSeries.
- Funnel3DDrawingStyle
Specifies the 3D drawing style of the Funnel chart type.
- Funnel3DRotationAngle
Specifies the 3D rotation angle of the Funnel chart type.
- FunnelInsideLabelAlignment
Specifies the data point label placement of the Funnel chart type when the FunnelLabelStyle is set to Inside.
- FunnelLabelStyle
Specifies the data point label style of the Funnel chart type.
- FunnelMinPointHeight
Specifies the minimum height of a data point in the Funnel chart, measured in relative coordinates.
- FunnelNeckHeight
Specifies the neck height of the Funnel chart type.
- FunnelNeckWidth
Specifies the neck width of the Funnel chart type.
- FunnelOutsideLabelPlacement
Placement of the data point label in the Funnel chart when FunnelLabelStyle is set to Outside or OutsideInColumn.
- FunnelPointGap
Specifies the gap size between the points of a Funnel chart, measured in relative coordinates.
- FunnelStyle
Specifies the style of the Funnel chart type.
- LabelsHorizontalLineSize
Specifies the size of the horizontal segment of the callout line.
- LabelsRadialLineSize
Specifies the size of the radial segment of the callout line.
- LabelStyle
Specifies the label position of the data point.
- LabelValueType
Specifies the Y value to use as the data point label.
- LineTension
Specifies the line tension for the drawing of curves between data points.
- MaxPixelPointWidth
Specifies the maximum width of the data point in pixels.
- MinimumRelativePieSize
Specifies the minimum pie or doughnut size.
- MinPixelPointWidth
Specifies the minimum data point width in pixels.
- NumberOfLinesInBreak
Specifies the number of lines to use in a Three Line Break chart.
- OpenCloseStyle
Specifies the marker style for open and close values.
- PieDrawingStyle
Specifies the drawing style of the data points.
- PieLabelStyle
Specifies the label style of the data points.
- PieLineColor
Specifies the color of the radial and horizontal segments of the callout lines.
- PieStartAngle
Specifies the angle of the data point in the Pie or Doughnut chart.
- PixelPointDepth
Specifies the 3D series depth in pixels.
- PixelPointGapDepth
Specifies the 3D gap depth in pixels.
- PixelPointWidth
Specifies the data point width in pixels.
- PointWidth
Specifies the relative data point width.
- PolarDrawingStyle
Specifies the drawing style of the Polar chart type.
- PriceDownColor
Specifies the data point color to use to indicate a decreasing trend.
- PriceUpColor
Specifies the data point color that indicates an increasing trend.
- ProportionalSymbols
Specifies whether the Point and Figure chart should draw the X and O values proportionally.
- Pyramid3DDrawingStyle
Specifies the 3D drawing style of the Pyramid chart type.
- Pyramid3DRotationAngle
Specifies the 3D rotation angle of the Pyramid chart.
- PyramidInsideLabelAlignment
Specifies the placement of the data point labels in the Pyramid chart when they are placed inside the pyramid.
- PyramidLabelStyle
Specifies the style of data point labels in the Pyramid chart.
- PyramidMinPointHeight
Specifies the minimum height of a data point measured in relative coordinates.
- PyramidOutsideLabelPlacement
Specifies the placement of the data point labels in the Pyramid chart when the labels are placed outside the pyramid.
- PyramidPointGap
Specifies the gap size between the data points, measured in relative coordinates.
- PyramidValueType
Specifies whether the data point value represents a linear height or the surface of the segment.
- RadarDrawingStyle
Specifies the drawing style of the Radar chart.
- ReversalAmount
Specifies the reversal amount for the chart.
- ShowMarkerLines
Specifies whether marker lines are displayed when rendered in 3D.
- ShowOpenClose
Specifies whether markers for open and close prices are displayed.
- StackedGroupName
Specifies the name of the stacked group.
- UsedYValue
Specifies the index of the Y value to use to plot the Kagi, Renko, or Three Line Break chart, with the first Y value at index 0.
- UsedYValueHigh
Specifies the index of the Y value to use for the high price in the Point and Figure chart, with the first Y value at index 0.
- UsedYValueLow
Specifies the index of the Y value to use for the low price in the Point and Figure chart, with the first Y value at index 0.
See Also
Other Resources
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