.gif) |
AccessControlEntry |
.gif) |
AclChangedEvent |
Obsolete. |
.gif) |
ActiveDirectoryAccessException |
There is a problem accessing Active Directory |
.gif) |
ArtifactType |
.gif) |
AuthorizationCssNodePermissions |
.gif) |
AuthorizationIterationNodePermissions |
.gif) |
AuthorizationNamespacePermissions |
.gif) |
AuthorizationProjectPermissions |
.gif) |
AuthorizationSecurityClasses |
.gif) |
AuthorizationSecurityConstants |
.gif) |
AuthorizationSubsystemException |
.gif) |
AuthorizationSubsystemServiceException |
.gif) |
Aux |
.gif) |
BadClassIdActionIdPairException |
Trying to obtain localized information for a non-existent ClassId/ActionId pair |
.gif) |
BadParentObjectClassIdException |
Parent object different class the current object |
.gif) |
BranchMovedEvent |
.gif) |
CannotAddDateToNonIterationException |
.gif) |
CannotChangeTreesException |
.gif) |
CannotModifyRootNodeException |
.gif) |
CircularNodeReferenceException |
.gif) |
CircularObjectInheritanceException |
Parent object different class the current object |
.gif) |
CisDictionary |
This is an INCOMPLETE implementation of a Hashtable that handles the keys in a case-insensitive manner |
.gif) |
ClassIdDoesNotExistException |
Asked for actions on a class that does not exist |
.gif) |
CommonStructureServiceFaultCodes |
Obsolete. |
.gif) |
CommonStructureSubsystemException |
.gif) |
CommonStructureSubsystemServiceException |
.gif) |
CreateACENoActionException |
Trying to create an ACE with an action id that hasn't been defined, thrown by the data tier. |
.gif) |
CreateACENoObjectException |
Trying to create an ACE for an object that does not exist, thrown by the data tier |
.gif) |
CssProjectUriDoesNotExistException |
This exception is shown whenever an attempt to access a project that does not exist or to which there are no permissions is made |
.gif) |
Database |
.gif) |
DataChanged |
Contains information about the project |
.gif) |
DataChangedEvent |
.gif) |
DeleteACEException |
Tried to delete ACE that does not exist |
.gif) |
DeletedNode |
.gif) |
EventType |
.gif) |
GroupSecuritySubsystemException |
.gif) |
GroupSecuritySubsystemServiceException |
.gif) |
Identity |
.gif) |
IdentityChangedEvent |
Obsolete. |
.gif) |
IdentityCreatedEvent |
Obsolete. |
.gif) |
IdentityDeletedEvent |
Obsolete. |
.gif) |
InternalStoredProcedureException |
A serious database error has occurred, probably calling a sproc at the wrong time. Thrown by the data tier. |
.gif) |
InvalidDomainException |
This exception is thrown when we try to retrieve information about an Active Directory domain, and we cannot find the domain in Active Directory. |
.gif) |
InvalidReclassificationException |
.gif) |
LinkType |
.gif) |
MaximumDepthExceededException |
.gif) |
MembershipChangedEvent |
Obsolete. |
.gif) |
MoveArgumentOutOfRangeException |
.gif) |
NodeAlreadyExistsException |
.gif) |
NodeCreatedEvent |
.gif) |
NodeDoesNotExistException |
This exception is called whenever a node id does not exists. It translates to a NodeUriDoesNotExistException which shows the node's url instead of the raw id |
.gif) |
NodeInfo |
Contains the information about the node |
.gif) |
NodePathDoesNotExistException |
.gif) |
NodeRenamedEvent |
.gif) |
NodesDeletedEvent |
.gif) |
NodeUriDoesNotExistException |
This exception is shown whenever a node with a uri is not found |
.gif) |
OutboundLinkType |
.gif) |
ParentNodeDoesNotExistException |
This exception is called whenever a parent node id does not exists. It translates to a NodeUriDoesNotExistException which shows the node's url instead of the raw id |
.gif) |
ParentNodeUriDoesNotExistException |
This exception is shown whenever a parent node with a uri is not found |
.gif) |
ProjectAlreadyExistsException |
.gif) |
ProjectCreatedEvent |
.gif) |
ProjectDeletedEvent |
.gif) |
ProjectDoesNotExistException |
This exception is shown whenever a project with a given id does not exist or if the user has insufficient rights to access it. It translates to a CssProjectUriDoesNotExistException which shows the project's url instead of the raw id |
.gif) |
ProjectDoesNotExistWithNameException |
This exception is shown whenever a project with invalid name is referenced |
.gif) |
ProjectInfo |
Contains information about the project |
.gif) |
ProjectNameNotRecognizedException |
.gif) |
ProjectProperty |
.gif) |
ProjectRenamedEvent |
Obsolete. |
.gif) |
Property |
Represents the property of a node |
.gif) |
PropertyChanged |
Obsolete. |
.gif) |
ProxyUtilities |
.gif) |
ReclassificationNodeDoesNotExistException |
This exception is called whenever a reclassification node id does not exists. It translates to a ReclassificationNodeUriDoesNotExistException which shows the node's url instead of the raw id |
.gif) |
ReclassificationNodeUriDoesNotExistException |
This exception is shown whenever a reclassification node with a uri is not found |
.gif) |
ReclassifiedToDifferentTreeException |
.gif) |
ReclassifiedToSubTreeException |
.gif) |
RegisterObjectBadParentException |
Trying to register an object that has a bad parent object, thrown by the data tier |
.gif) |
RegisterObjectExistsException |
Trying to register an object id that already exists, thrown by the data tier. |
.gif) |
RegisterObjectNoClassException |
Trying to register an object that has a bad class id, thrown by the data tier |
.gif) |
RegisterObjectNoProjectException |
Trying to register an object without a valid project URI, thrown by the data tier |
.gif) |
RegisterObjectProjectMismatchException |
Parent object different class the current object |
.gif) |
RegisterProjectException |
Trying to register a project URI that already exists, thrown by the data tier |
.gif) |
RegistrationEntry |
.gif) |
RegistrationEntryRetrievalException |
Exception type to be thrown when registration entries cannot be retrieved |
.gif) |
RegistrationExtendedAttribute |
.gif) |
RegistrationUtilities |
Summary description for Utilities. |
.gif) |
RegistrationXmlSerializer |
.gif) |
SecurityActionDoesNotExistException |
Unable to delete an ACE, the action_id is invalid |
.gif) |
SecurityObjectDoesNotExistException |
Asked for a Security object that does not exist |
.gif) |
ServiceInterface |
.gif) |
SyncAccessDeniedException |
.gif) |
SyncAccessDeniedServiceException |
This exception is shown whenever an attempt to access a project that does not exist or to which there are no permissions is made |
.gif) |
SyncBadBaselineRevException |
.gif) |
SyncBadBaselineRevServiceException |
.gif) |
SyncMapping |
.gif) |
SyncProperty |
.gif) |
SyncSubsystemException |
.gif) |
SyncSubsystemServiceException |
.gif) |
SyncSupersededBaselineRevException |
.gif) |
SyncSupersededBaselineRevServiceException |
.gif) |
TeamProjectCatalogConstants |
.gif) |
TemplateHeader |
Metadata describing a process template. |
.gif) |
UnregisterProjectException |
Trying to unregister a project that does not exist, thrown by the data tier |