.gif) |
ArtifactVersionSpec |
Set of well-known ArtifactSpec versions. |
.gif) |
BasicAuthCredential |
.gif) |
BasicAuthToken |
.gif) |
BorderPanel |
This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
ClientContext |
Represents the context of a command that is initiated by a client application. |
.gif) |
ConfirmationBuilder |
Responsible for processing entries for the Confirmation Page from individual wizard pages. |
.gif) |
ConnectivityFailureStatusChangedEventArgs |
The EventArgs object provided to event handlers for the ConnectivityFailureStatusChanged event on TfsConnection. |
.gif) |
ContextChangedEventArgs |
EventArgs for the [ContextChanged] event on the [ITeamFoundationContextManager] interface. |
.gif) |
ContextChangingEventArgs |
EventArgs for the ContextChanging event on the ITeamFoundationContextManager interface. |
.gif) |
CookieCredential |
Provides federated authentication with a hosted TfsConnection instance using cookies. |
.gif) |
CookieToken |
Provides a cookie-based authentication token. |
.gif) |
CredentialsChangedEventArgs |
Contains properties that are affected when the credentials of the Team Foundation Server object change. |
.gif) |
DeletionException |
Thrown when an error occurs during a deletion. |
.gif) |
DragDrop |
.gif) |
DragDropParameters |
.gif) |
FederatedCredential |
Provides a common implementation for federated credentials. |
.gif) |
GzipResourceReader |
.gif) |
InformationBar |
This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
IssuedToken |
Provides a common base class for issued tokens. |
.gif) |
IssuedTokenCredential |
Provides a common base class for issued token credentials. |
.gif) |
LinksCollection |
Represents a collection of mappings of artifact IDs to their respective artifact URLs that were created during methodology template instantiation. |
.gif) |
LogLevels |
Describes different categories for log entries. |
.gif) |
NotificationManager |
Delivers notifications of events across processes in a single desktop. This is used to keep the user interfaces in Visual Studio current regarding changes that are enacted locally, such as version control workspace manipulation. |
.gif) |
OAuthToken |
Provides a token that is used for OAuth delegation based authentication |
.gif) |
OAuthTokenContainer |
A container to encapsulate an OAuth access token and an OAuth refresh token (or authorization code) |
.gif) |
OAuthTokenCredential |
.gif) |
PcwException |
Thrown for an exception with the project creation wizard. |
.gif) |
PerfTraceListener |
Listens for performance traces. |
.gif) |
PluginInitializationFailedException |
Thrown when a plug-in failed to initialize. |
.gif) |
ProjectCreationContext |
Represents the methodology template configuration information that is used by plug-ins when executing methodology template tasks. |
.gif) |
ProjectCreationMacroResolver |
Resolves and replaces macros in ProjectCreationSupportedMacros. |
.gif) |
ProjectCreationSupportedMacros |
Contains macros that are supported by the project creation wizard. |
.gif) |
PropertyBag |
Represents an unordered collection of properties and their values. |
.gif) |
PropertyChangeEventArgs |
Arguments for a property change event. |
.gif) |
PropertyDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when a property does not exist. |
.gif) |
ProxyStatistics |
This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
ProxyStatisticsInfo |
This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
PublicDataKeys |
Contains the string constants for public data keys. |
.gif) |
ReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> |
A read-only version of IDictionary<TKey, TValue>. |
.gif) |
RegisteredConfigurationServer |
Describes a registered configuration server. |
.gif) |
RegisteredProjectCollection |
Describes a registered project collection. |
.gif) |
RegisteredServers |
Obsolete. Manages the list of registered servers in the System registry. |
.gif) |
RegisteredTfsConnections |
Class that represents a registry of Team Foundation Server connections. |
.gif) |
SimpleWebToken |
Provides simple Web token that is used for OAuth authentication. |
.gif) |
SimpleWebTokenCredential |
Provides federated authentication with a hosted TfsConnection instance using simple Web tokens. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationDateTimePicker |
This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationServer |
Obsolete. Represents a connection to a server that is running Team Foundation Server. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationServerFactory |
Obsolete. Class factory for TeamFoundationServer objects. This class is obsolete. Use TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory instead. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationSoapProxy |
Obsolete. Provides the protocol for Team Foundation object communication by using SOAP. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationTeam |
This is a wrapper class for a team identity that makes it convenient for working with properties. It also provides helper methods to create, update, query and read teams on the server. |
.gif) |
TeamProjectDeleter |
This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
TeamProjectDeleter.StatusEventArgs |
This API supports the Team Foundation Server infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
TeamProjectPicker |
Provides a dialog to select a collection of TeamFoundation projects. |
.gif) |
TeamProjectWizardPage |
Represents a page in the project creation wizard. |
.gif) |
TeamPropertiesView |
Base abstract class for all team view objects. Team view objects follows facade pattern. In this regard team view objects provide easy way to access complex or domain specific properties that require additional insight on how they are stored in the team property bag and how they should be presented to the outside world. The view objects can consume other view objects, such as a view object that manages Agile experience specific team properties can use another view object that manages work item tracking related properties, that is which work item type in a project represents bug work items, for the team. |
.gif) |
TfsClientCredentials |
Provides credentials to use when you connect to a Team Foundation Server. |
.gif) |
TfsConfigurationServer |
Represents a connection to the server that is running Team Foundation Server. |
.gif) |
TfsConfigurationServerFactory |
Class factory for TfsConfigurationServerFactory objects. |
.gif) |
TfsConnection |
Represents the connection of the client to the server that is running Team Foundation Server. |
.gif) |
TfsConnectionWebServiceCallEventArgs |
The EventArgs object provided to event handlers for the WebServiceCallBegin and WebServiceCallEnd static events on TfsConnection. |
.gif) |
TfsTeamProjectCollection |
Abstracts common infrastructure for the Team Foundation system and is the parent class for Team Foundation components. |
.gif) |
TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory |
Class factory for TfsTeamProjectCollection objects. |
.gif) |
TfsTeamService |
.gif) |
TswaClientHyperlinkService |
A utility class used to generate Team Web Access hyperlinks. |
.gif) |
UICredentialsProvider |
Used to prompt for Windows credentials. |
.gif) |
ValidationFailedException |
Thrown when validation failed. |
.gif) |
WebServiceCall |
Class for a Web service call. |
.gif) |
WebServiceCallList |
A list of Web service calls. |
.gif) |
WebServiceStatList |
A list of Web service statistics. |
.gif) |
WebServiceStats |
Contains several properties to describe a Web service. |
.gif) |
WindowsCredential |
Provides a credential for windows authentication against a Team Foundation Server. |
.gif) |
WindowsToken |