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basic_stringstream Class

Describes an object that controls insertion and extraction of elements and encoded objects using a stream buffer of class basic_stringbuf<Elem, Tr, Alloc>.

template < 
   class Elem,  
   class Tr = char_traits<Elem>,  
   class Alloc = allocator<Elem>  
   class basic_stringstream : public basic_iostream<Elem, Tr>


  • Alloc
    The allocator class.

  • Elem
    The type of the basic element of the string.

  • Tr
    The character traits specialized on the basic element of the string.


The template class describes an object that controls insertion and extraction of elements and encoded objects using a stream buffer of class basic_stringbuf<Elem, Tr, Alloc>, with elements of type Elem, whose character traits are determined by the class Tr, and whose elements are allocated by an allocator of class Alloc. The object stores an object of class basic_stringbuf<Elem, Tr, Alloc>.



Constructs an object of type basic_stringstream.



The type is a synonym for the template parameter Alloc.

Member Functions


Returns the address of the stored stream buffer of type pointer to basic_stringbuf<Elem, Tr, Alloc>.


Sets or gets the text in a string buffer without changing the write position.


Header: <sstream>

Namespace: std

See Also


Thread Safety in the Standard C++ Library

iostream Programming

iostreams Conventions

Other Resources

basic_stringstream Members

<sstream> Members