.gif) |
_BuildEvents |
Refer to BuildEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate from this class. |
.gif) |
_CommandBarControlEvents |
Refer to CommandBarEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate from this class. |
.gif) |
_CommandEvents |
Refer to CommandEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate from this class. |
.gif) |
_DebuggerEvents |
Refer to DebuggerEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate from this class. |
.gif) |
_DebuggerEventsRoot |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispBuildEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispBuildEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispCommandBarControlEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispCommandBarControlEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispCommandEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispCommandEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispDebuggerEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispDebuggerEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispDocumentEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispDocumentEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispDTEEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispDTEEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispFindEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispFindEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispOutputWindowEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispOutputWindowEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispProjectItemsEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispProjectItemsEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispProjectsEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispProjectsEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispSelectionEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispSelectionEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispSolutionEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispSolutionEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispTaskListEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispTaskListEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispTextEditorEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispTextEditorEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispWindowEvents |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_dispWindowEvents_Event |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_DocumentEvents |
Refer to DocumentEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
_DocumentEventsRoot |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_DTE |
The top-level object in the Visual Studio automation object model. Refer to _DTE for this functionality. Do not instantiate from this class. |
.gif) |
_DTEEvents |
Refer to DTEEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
_EnvironmentDocuments |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_EnvironmentFontsAndColors |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_EnvironmentGeneral |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_EnvironmentHelp |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_EnvironmentKeyboard |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_EnvironmentProjectsAndSolution |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_EnvironmentTaskList |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_EnvironmentWebBrowser |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_FindEvents |
Refer to FindEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
_FontsAndColors |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_MiscSlnFilesEventsRoot |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_OutputWindowEvents |
Refer to OutputWindowEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
_OutputWindowEventsRoot |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_ProjectItemsEvents |
Refer to ProjectItemsEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
_ProjectsEvents |
Refer to ProjectsEvents for this functionality. Do instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
_SelectionEvents |
Refer SelectionEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
_Solution |
Represents all projects and solution-wide properties in the integrated development environment (IDE). Refer to Solution for this functionality. Do not instantiate from this class. |
.gif) |
_SolutionEvents |
Refer to SolutionEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
_TaskListEvents |
Refer to TaskListEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
_TaskListEventsRoot |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_TextEditorEvents |
Refer to TextEditorEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
_TextEditorEventsRoot |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
_WindowEvents |
Refer to WindowEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class. |
.gif) |
_WindowEventsRoot |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
AddIn |
Represents an add-in listed in the Add-In Manager dialog box and provides information about an add-in to other add-in objects. |
.gif) |
AddIns |
Contains all add-ins listed in the Add-In Manager dialog box if they are DTE.AddIns, or all of the add-ins loaded by a particular solution if they are ProjectSolution.AddIns. |
.gif) |
Breakpoint |
The Breakpoint object contains the properties and methods used to programmatically manipulate a Breakpoint. |
.gif) |
Breakpoints |
Provides a list of pending breakpoints. |
.gif) |
BuildDependencies |
Represents all of the projects that the specified project depends on. |
.gif) |
BuildDependency |
Represents all of the projects that the specified project depends on to complete a build. |
.gif) |
BuildEvents |
Provides a list of events for solution builds. Use this object for functionality and refer to BuildEventsClass for this object’s documentation. |
.gif) |
CodeAttribute |
Allows manipulation of a code element's attribute. |
.gif) |
CodeClass |
Represents a class in source code. |
.gif) |
CodeDelegate |
Object representing a delegate in source code. |
.gif) |
CodeElement |
Represents a code element or construct in a source file. |
.gif) |
CodeElements |
A collection of objects representing code constructs in a source file. |
.gif) |
CodeEnum |
Object representing an enumeration in source code. |
.gif) |
CodeFunction |
An object defining a function construct in a source file. |
.gif) |
CodeInterface |
Object representing an interface in source code. |
.gif) |
CodeModel |
Allows access to programmatic constructs in a source code file. |
.gif) |
CodeNamespace |
Represents a namespace construct in a source file. |
.gif) |
CodeParameter |
An object defining a parameter to a function, property, and so on, in a source file. |
.gif) |
CodeProperty |
An object defining a property construct in a source file. |
.gif) |
CodeStruct |
Object representing a structure in source code. |
.gif) |
CodeType |
Represents a class construct in a source file. |
.gif) |
CodeTypeRef |
An object defining the type of a construct in a source file. |
.gif) |
CodeVariable |
An object defining a variable construct in a source file. |
.gif) |
ColorableItems |
Represents the portions of an item that can be colored, such as the foreground and background. |
.gif) |
Command |
Represents a command in the environment. |
.gif) |
CommandBarEvents |
Causes a Click event to occur when a control on the command bar is clicked. Use this object for functionality, and refer to CommandBarEventsClass for this object's documentation. |
.gif) |
CommandEvents |
Provides command events for automation clients. Use this object for functionality, and refer to CommandEventsClass for this object's documentation. |
.gif) |
Commands |
Contains all of the commands in the environment, as Command objects. |
.gif) |
CommandWindow |
Represents the Command window in the environment. |
.gif) |
Configuration |
Represents a project or project item's build configuration dependent properties. |
.gif) |
ConfigurationManager |
Represents a matrix of Configuration objects, one for each combination of configuration name and platform name. |
.gif) |
Configurations |
Contains a set of Configuration objects. Each collection represents a row of Configuration objects for a given configuration name and for each platform, or a column of each Configuration object for a given platform name, one for each configuration name. |
.gif) |
ContextAttribute |
Represents a single attribute associated with a global context or window's context in the Dynamic Help window. |
.gif) |
ContextAttributes |
Contains all attributes associated with a global context or window's context in the Dynamic Help window. |
.gif) |
Debugger |
The Debugger object is used to interrogate and manipulate the state of the debugger and the program being debugged. |
.gif) |
DebuggerEvents |
Defines events supported by the debugger. Use this object for functionality and refer to DebuggerEventsClass for this object's members' documentation. |
.gif) |
Document |
Represents a document in the environment open for editing. |
.gif) |
DocumentEvents |
Provides document events. Use this object for functionality and refer to DocumentEventsClass for this object's documentation. |
.gif) |
Documents |
Contains all Document objects in the environment, each representing an open document. |
.gif) |
The top-level object in the Visual Studio automation object model. Use this object for functionality and refer to _DTE for this object’s documentation. |
.gif) |
DTEEvents |
Provides events relating to the state of the environment. Use this object for functionality and refer to DTEEventsClass for this object's documentation. |
.gif) |
EditPoint |
Allows you to manipulate text as data in text buffers. |
.gif) |
Events |
Allows access to all events in the extensibility model. Events may also be exposed from specific objects within the extensibility model. |
.gif) |
Expression |
The Expression object contains properties used to examine items returned by an expression evaluation. |
.gif) |
Expressions |
A collection of Expression objects. |
.gif) |
FileCodeModel |
Allows access to programmatic constructs in a source file. |
.gif) |
Find |
Supports general text Find operations in the environment for documents and files. |
.gif) |
FindEvents |
Provides events for Find-in-Files operations. |
.gif) |
FontsAndColorsItems |
Contains ColorableItems objects that define the color, appearance, and other attributes of items. |
.gif) |
Globals |
The Globals object is a cache for storing data for the duration of each session of the Visual Studio environment, as well as across sessions using the VariablePersists property. |
.gif) |
HTMLWindow |
Represents an HTML document window. |
.gif) |
IDTCommandTarget |
Allows you to create named commands. You must implement this interface to handle new named commands. |
.gif) |
IDTToolsOptionsPage |
Implemented when constructing a custom tools options page. |
.gif) |
IDTWizard |
This interface must be implemented in a component for it to act as a wizard. |
.gif) |
IExtenderProvider |
An object that represents an IDispatch-based extender provider. |
.gif) |
IExtenderProviderUnk |
Represents an extender provider object. |
.gif) |
IExtenderSite |
Site object for an automation extender. |
.gif) |
IExtensibleObject |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
IExtensibleObjectSite |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
IFilterProperties |
Allows an Extender to hide or override properties in the Properties window. |
.gif) |
ISupportVSProperties |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
ItemOperations |
Object for performing common file actions. |
.gif) |
IVsExtensibility |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
IVsGlobals |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
IVsGlobalsCallback |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
IVsProfferCommands |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
IVsTextEditFonts |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
IVsTextEditGeneral |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
IVsTextEditPerLanguage |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
Language |
The Language object contains properties used to examine the language specified by the debugger. |
.gif) |
Languages |
A collection of Language objects. |
.gif) |
LinkedWindows |
The LinkedWindows collection contains all windows that have been linked together in the environment. |
.gif) |
Macros |
Represents the Visual Studio macro recorder. |
.gif) |
ObjectExtenders |
Object that provides access to Automation Extenders. |
.gif) |
OutputGroup |
Contains the file names for a given named output group. |
.gif) |
OutputGroups |
Contains a collection of OutputGroup objects. |
.gif) |
OutputWindow |
Represents the Output window in the integrated development environment (IDE). |
.gif) |
OutputWindowEvents |
Provides events for changes to the Output window. |
.gif) |
OutputWindowPane |
Represents a pane in the Output window. |
.gif) |
OutputWindowPanes |
Contains all Output window panes in the integrated development environment (IDE). |
.gif) |
Process |
Used to examine and manipulate processes. |
.gif) |
Processes |
A collection of Process objects. |
.gif) |
Program |
Important Do not use this object for new applications. It has been superseded by the Process2 object, which we recommend instead. However, this object will continue to work in existing code. |
.gif) |
Programs |
A collection of Program objects. |
.gif) |
Project |
Represents a project in the integrated development environment (IDE). |
.gif) |
ProjectItem |
Represents an item in a project. |
.gif) |
ProjectItems |
Contains ProjectItem objects, each representing items in the project. |
.gif) |
ProjectItemsEvents |
The base interface from which projects derive event interfaces of their specific project items. Use this object for functionality and refer to ProjectItemsEventsClass for this object's documentation. |
.gif) |
Projects |
Represents all of the projects of a given kind. |
.gif) |
ProjectsEvents |
The base interface from which the various projects derive the events that are associated with their specific project interfaces. Use this object for functionality, and refer to ProjectsEventsClass for this object's documentation. |
.gif) |
Properties |
Contains all of the properties of a given object that are contained in a generic collection of properties. |
.gif) |
Property |
Represents one property in a generic collection of properties for a given object. |
.gif) |
SelectedItem |
Represents selected project(s) or project item(s) in the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). |
.gif) |
SelectedItems |
Contains SelectedItem objects, which represent selected projects or project items. |
.gif) |
SelectionContainer |
Represents the selection context with objects that model the selection below the project item level. |
.gif) |
SelectionEvents |
Provides events for changes to a selection. Use this object for functionality, and refer to SelectionEventsClass for this object's documentation. |
.gif) |
Solution |
Represents all projects and solution-wide properties in the integrated development environment (IDE). Use this object for functionality and refer to _Solution for documentation. |
.gif) |
SolutionBuild |
Represents the root of the build automation model at the solution level. |
.gif) |
SolutionConfiguration |
Represents information about a particular way to build the solution. |
.gif) |
SolutionConfigurations |
Contains all of the SolutionConfiguration in the solution. |
.gif) |
SolutionContext |
Represents all projects in the solution, some of which will be built, and the project configuration and platform that will have context when you select a particular SolutionConfiguration object. |
.gif) |
SolutionContexts |
Contains all of the SolutionContext objects for a solution configuration. |
.gif) |
SolutionEvents |
Provides events for changes to a solution. Use this object for functionality and refer to SolutionEventsClass for this object's documentation. |
.gif) |
SourceControl |
Used to interact with current source control system. |
.gif) |
StackFrame |
Used to examine and manipulate stack frames. A stack frame is essentially the same thing as a function call. |
.gif) |
StackFrames |
A collection of StackFrame objects. |
.gif) |
StatusBar |
Represents the Status Bar in the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). |
.gif) |
TaskItem |
The TaskItem object represents a task item in the Task List window. |
.gif) |
TaskItems |
The TaskItems collection contains all of the tasks in the Task List window. |
.gif) |
TaskList |
The TaskList object represents the items in the Task List window in the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). |
.gif) |
TaskListEvents |
Provides events for changes made to the Task List. |
.gif) |
TextBuffer |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
TextDocument |
Represents a text file open in the editor. |
.gif) |
TextEditor |
Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
.gif) |
TextEditorEvents |
Provides events for changes made in the Text/Code Editor. Use this interface for functionality and refer to TextEditorEventsClass for this object's documentation. |
.gif) |
TextPane |
Represents a pane within a text editor window. |
.gif) |
TextPanes |
Contains all of the TextPane objects in a text editor window. |
.gif) |
TextPoint |
Represents a location of text in a text document. |
.gif) |
TextRange |
Represents a single, contiguous section of text in a text document. |
.gif) |
TextRanges |
Contains a TextRange object for each of the tagged subexpressions from a search pattern. TextRanges is also used to find where a box selection intersects each line of text. |
.gif) |
TextSelection |
Provides access to view-based editing operations and selected text. |
.gif) |
TextWindow |
Represents a window containing a text document. |
.gif) |
Thread |
Used to examine and manipulate threads. |
.gif) |
Threads |
A collection of Thread objects. |
.gif) |
ToolBox |
Represents the ToolBox in the integrated development environment (IDE). |
.gif) |
ToolBoxItem |
Represents an item in the ToolBox. |
.gif) |
ToolBoxItems |
Contains all items in a ToolBox tab. |
.gif) |
ToolBoxTab |
Represents a tab in the ToolBox, along with any objects the tab contains. |
.gif) |
ToolBoxTabs |
Contains all tabs in the Toolbox. |
.gif) |
UIHierarchy |
Represents standard tool windows in the integrated development environment (IDE) that use hierarchical trees of data, such as Solution Explorer, Server Explorer, and Macro Explorer. |
.gif) |
UIHierarchyItem |
Represents an item that shows hierarchical tree data, such as Solution Explorer, in a standard tool window in the integrated development environment (IDE). |
.gif) |
UIHierarchyItems |
Represents a given level of the UI hierarchy tree. It also represents a collection of the selected items in the tree. |
.gif) |
UndoContext |
Represents, as a single transaction, all operations performed on all participating open documents in Visual Studio. If its SetAborted method is invoked, all changes made since opening the object are discarded. |
.gif) |
VirtualPoint |
Allows you to manipulate text beyond the right margin (left margin in bidirectional Windows) of the text document. |
.gif) |
Window |
The Window object represents a window in the environment. |
.gif) |
WindowConfiguration |
The WindowConfiguration object represents the layout and configuration of all windows in the Visual Studio environment. |
.gif) |
WindowConfigurations |
The WindowConfigurations collection contains all named window configurations created for the environment. |
.gif) |
WindowEvents |
Provides events for changes made to Windows in the environment. Use this object for functionality and refer to WindowEventsClass for this object’s documentation. |
.gif) |
Windows |
The Windows collection contains all windows in the environment. |