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Operators.OperatorIntrinsics Module (F#)

A module of compiler intrinsic functions for efficient implementations of F# integer ranges and dynamic invocations of other F# operators.

Namespace/Module Path: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators

Assembly: FSharp.Core (in FSharp.Core.dll)

module OperatorIntrinsics




AbsDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

AcosDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

AsinDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

Atan2Dynamic : 'T1 -> 'T1 -> 'T2

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

AtanDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

CeilingDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

CosDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

CoshDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

ExpDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

FloorDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

GetArraySlice : 'T [] -> int option -> int option -> 'T []

Gets a slice of an array.

GetArraySlice2D : 'T [,] -> int option -> int option -> int option -> 'T [,]

Gets a slice of an array.

GetArraySlice3D : 'T [,,] -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> 'T [,,]

Gets a slice of an array.

GetArraySlice4D : 'T [,,,] -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> 'T [,,,]

Gets a slice of an array.

GetStringSlice : string -> int option -> int option -> string

Gets a slice from a string.

Log10Dynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

LogDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

PowByte : byte -> int -> byte

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type byte.

PowDecimal : decimal -> int -> decimal

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type decimal.

PowDouble : float -> int -> float

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type float.

PowDynamic : 'T -> 'U -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

PowGeneric : 'T * ('T -> 'T -> 'T) * 'T * int -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator

PowInt16 : int16 -> int -> int16

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type int16.

PowInt32 : int32 -> int -> int32

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type int32.

PowInt64 : int64 -> int -> int64

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type int64.

PowIntPtr : nativeint -> int -> nativeint

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type nativeint.

PowSByte : sbyte -> int -> sbyte

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type sbyte.

PowSingle : float32 -> int -> float32

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type float32.

PowUInt16 : uint16 -> int -> uint16

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type uint16.

PowUInt32 : uint32 -> int -> uint32

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type uint32.

PowUInt64 : uint64 -> int -> uint64

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type uint64.

PowUIntPtr : unativeint -> int -> unativeint

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by uses of the generic pown operator on values of type unativeint.

RangeByte : byte -> byte -> byte -> seq<byte>

Generates a range of byte values.

RangeChar : char -> char -> seq<char>

Generates a range of char values.

RangeDouble : float -> float -> float -> seq<float>

Generates a range of float values.

RangeGeneric : 'T -> ('T -> 'T -> 'T) -> 'T -> 'T -> seq<'T>

Generate a range of values using the given zero, add, start, step and stop values.

RangeInt16 : int16 -> int16 -> int16 -> seq<int16>

Generates a range of int16 values.

RangeInt32 : int -> int -> int -> seq<int>

Generates a range of integers.

RangeInt64 : int64 -> int64 -> int64 -> seq<int64>

Generates a range of int64 values.

RangeIntPtr : nativeint -> int -> nativeint

Generates a range of nativeint values.

RangeSByte : sbyte -> sbyte -> sbyte -> seq<sbyte>

Generates a range of sbyte values.

RangeSingle : float32 -> float32 -> float32 -> seq<float32>

Generates a range of float32 values.

RangeStepGeneric : 'Step -> ('T -> 'Step -> 'T) -> 'T -> 'Step -> 'T -> seq<'T>

Generates a range of values using the given zero, add, start, step and stop values.

RangeUInt16 : uint16 -> uint16 -> uint16 -> seq<uint16>

Generates a range of uint16 values.

RangeUInt32 : uint32 -> uint32 -> uint32 -> seq<uint32>

Generates a range of uint32 values.

RangeUInt64 : uint64 -> uint64 -> uint64 -> seq<uint64>

Generates a range of uint64 values.

RangeUIntPtr : unativeint -> unativeint -> unativeint -> seq<unativeint>

Generates a range of unativeint values.

RoundDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

SetArraySlice : 'T [] -> int option -> int option -> 'T [] -> unit

Sets a slice of an array.

SetArraySlice2D : 'T [,] -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> 'T [,] -> unit

Sets a slice of an array.

SetArraySlice3D : 'T [,,] -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> 'T [,,] -> unit

Sets a slice of an array.

SetArraySlice4D : 'T [,,,] -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> int option -> 'T [,,,] -> unit

Sets a slice of an array.

SignDynamic : 'T -> int

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

SinDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

SinhDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

SqrtDynamic : 'T1 -> 'T2

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

TanDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

TanhDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.

TruncateDynamic : 'T -> 'T

This is a library intrinsic. Calls to this function may be generated by evaluating quotations.


Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, Windows XP SP3, Windows XP x64 SP2, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 SP2, Windows Server 2003 SP2

Version Information

F# Runtime

Supported in: 2.0, 4.0


Supported in: 3

See Also


Core.Operators Module (F#)