Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class
You have tried to refer to a non-shared member of a class from within a shared procedure. The following example demonstrates such a situation.
Class sample
Public x as Integer
Public Shared Sub setX()
x = 10
End Sub
End Class
In the preceding example, the assignment statement x = 10 generates this error message. This is because a shared procedure is attempting to access an instance variable.
The variable x is an instance member because it is not declared as Shared (Visual Basic). Each instance of class sample contains its own individual variable x. When one instance sets or changes the value of x, it does not affect the value of x in any other instance.
However, the procedure setX is Shared among all instances of class sample. This means it is not associated with any one instance of the class, but rather operates independently of individual instances. Because it has no connection with a particular instance, setX cannot access an instance variable. It must operate only on Shared variables. When setX sets or changes the value of a shared variable, that new value is available to all instances of the class.
Error ID: BC30369
To correct this error
Decide whether you want the member to be shared among all instances of the class, or kept individual for each instance.
If you want a single copy of the member to be shared among all instances, add the Shared keyword to the member declaration. Retain the Shared keyword in the procedure declaration.
If you want each instance to have its own individual copy of the member, do not specify Shared for the member declaration. Remove the Shared keyword from the procedure declaration.