'RaiseEvent' method must have the same signature as the containing event's delegate type '<signature>'
A Custom Event declaration must have RaiseEvent declaration that has the same signature as the delegate type specified by the custom event's As clause.
For the signatures to match, the RaiseEvent declaration and the delegate must have the number of parameters, and the parameters types must match.
Error ID: BC31137
To correct this error
- Change the parameters of the RaiseEvent declaration to match the parameters of the delegate type.
This example shows a custom event with the correct parameter types for the RaiseEvent declaration.
Delegate Sub TestDelegate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal i As Integer)
Custom Event Test As TestDelegate
AddHandler(ByVal value As TestDelegate)
' Code for adding an event handler goes here.
End AddHandler
RemoveHandler(ByVal value As TestDelegate)
' Code for removing an event handler goes here.
End RemoveHandler
RaiseEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal i As Integer)
' Code for raising an event goes here.
End RaiseEvent
End Event