VCProjectConfigurationProperties Members
Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members
Contains the properties of the project configuration.
The VCProjectConfigurationProperties type exposes the following members.
Causes ATL to link to the C runtime libraries statically to minimize dependencies. It requires that the useOfATL property be set.
Specifies whether, when this project is debugged, the debugger should be attached to the process specified in the Command property.
Tells the compiler to use the specified character set.
If Remote specifies local debugging and Attach is false, the Command property specifies the executable file to start when you invoke the debugger. If Attach is true and Remote specifies remote debugging, the Command property specifies the process to which the debug process should be attached when you invoke the debugger.
The arguments to pass to the process specified in Command when Attach is false.
Gets and sets the type of output this configuration generates.
Specifies the debugger settings for managed or unmanaged code. If you specify a debugger type that does not match the code you are debugging, you cannot step into certain sections of code. For example, if you specify Managed debugger, you cannot step into unmanaged code.
Specifies which files in the intermediate directory to delete on clean or rebuild.
For ATL Server debugging, specifies the URL for the project.
Specifies a relative path to the intermediate file directory. It can include environment variables.
Specifies that this configuration uses Visual C++. Exposes the functionality of the C++ compiler's /clr (Common Language Runtime Compilation) option.
Specifies the directory in which to place output. By default, it uses the project directory.
Specifies the location of the output files for this project's configuration.
Additional directories to search for symbol files.
Specifies local or remote debugging.
If Attach is false and Remote specifies remote debugging, the executable file starts when you invoke the debugger. If Attach is true and Remote specifies remote debugging, then the RemoteCommand property specifies the process to which the debug process should be attached when you invoke the debugger.
When Remote specifies remote debugging, the RemoteMachine property specifies the name of the machine that contains the program to debug.
Enables SQL debugging for the project.
Specifies how ATL is used by the configuration.
Specifies how MFC is used by the configuration.
Enables cross-module optimizations by delaying code generation to link time. Exposes the functionality of the compiler's /GL (Whole Program Optimization) option.
The debugger's working directory. The default location is the directory containing the .vcproj file.