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Win32 Smart Device Project Wizard

The Win32 Smart Device Project Wizard enables you to create one of four types of projects to run on the Windows CE operating system. In each case, you can specify additional options that are appropriate for the type of project you open.


This wizard page displays the current project settings for the Windows CE project you are creating. By default, the project has the following options set:

  • The default target platform for the project is the first platform in the platforms list. In a default installation, the default platform is Pocket PC 2003, by installing and uninstalling Windows CE 5.0 SDKs you can change the default target for new applications.

  • The project is a Windows application. A Windows application is defined as a project that includes a .cpp file that contains a WinMain function.

  • The project is not empty.

  • The project contains no export symbols.

  • The project does not use a precompiled header.

  • The project does not include support for MFC or ATL.

To change the default platform, click Platforms in the left column of the wizard and make the changes that you want.

To change other defaults, click Application Settings in the left column of the wizard and make the changes that you want.

After creating your new project, if the compiler issues a warning about defining _CE_ALLOW_SINGLE_THREADED_OBJECTS_IN_MTA, you must define this flag in your main header file.


This is the case especially for scenarios such as creating COM objects on Windows Mobile platforms, consuming Web services in Windows Mobile, and ATL COM objects.

See Also

Other Resources

Creating and Porting Visual C++ Device Projects