Bad record length
Among the possible causes of this error are:
The length of a record variable specified in a FileGet, FileGetObject, FilePut or FilePutObject statement differs from the length specified in the corresponding FileOpen statement.
The variable in a FilePut or FilePutObject statement is or includes a variable-length string.
The variable in a FilePut or FilePutObject is or includes a Varianttype**.**
To correct this error
Make sure the sum of the sizes of fixed-length variables in the user-defined type defining the record variable's type is the same as the value stated in the FileOpen statement's Len clause.
If the variable in a FilePut or FilePutObject statement is or includes a variable-length string, make sure the variable-length string is at least 2 characters shorter than the record length specified in the Len clause of the FileOpen statement.
If the variable in a FilePut or FilePutObject is or includes a Variant make sure the variable-length string is at least 4 bytes shorter than the record length specified in the Len clause of the FileOpen statement.