How to: Rebuild the Team System Cube
To access high-level reports, you must rebuild the Team System cube whenever you move, restore, rename, or fail over the data-tier server for Team Foundation. The Team System cube supports SQL Server Reporting Services and contains data from the relational database of the data warehouse for Team System. For more information, see Understanding the Data Warehouse Architecture.
Required Permissions
To perform these procedures, you must have the following permissions in SQL Server:
You must be a member of the sysadmin security group for the database instance for Team Foundation and for the Analysis Services database instance of the Team System data warehouse.
You must be a user of the TfsWarehouse relational database.
You must be a member of the TFSEXECROLE database role.
Also, you must be a member of the Team Foundation Administrators security group, or the server-level Administer warehouse permission must be set to Allow. For more information, see Team Foundation Server Permissions.
In addition to these permissions, you might need to address the following requirements on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista:
To follow a command-line procedure, you might need to open an elevated Command Prompt by clicking Start, right-clicking Command Prompt, and clicking Run as Administrator.
To follow a procedure that requires Internet Explorer, you might need to start it as an administrator by clicking Start, clicking All Programs, right-clicking Internet Explorer, and then clicking Run as administrator.
To edit web.config files, you might need to start the text editor as an administrator by clicking Start, clicking All Programs, right-clicking the editor, and then clicking Run as administrator.
To access Report Manager, reports, or Web sites for Reporting Services, you might need to add these sites to the list of trusted sites in Internet Explorer or start Internet Explorer as an administrator.
For more information, see the Microsoft Web site.
To rebuild the Team System cube, you must perform the following sequence of steps:
Verify That Services and Application Pools are Running and That TCP/IP Is Enabled for SQL Server
Recreate the Team System Cube
Process theTeam System Cube
Restart Services
Verify That Reports are Accessible
Verify That Services and Application Pools are Running and That TCP/IP Is Enabled for SQL Server
The services and application pools that SQL Server requires must be running for you to complete the steps in this procedure. You stop Reporting Services so that users do not access reports while you are rebuilding the Team System cube. Also, for a dual-server deployment, the TCP/IP protocol must be enabled for each instance of a SQL Server database.
By default, TCP/IP is disabled when you install SQL Server.
To verify that services and application pools are running and that TCP/IP is enabled for SQL Server
Log on to the appropriate server, open Computer Manager, and verify that the services and application pools in the following table are running:
Log on to the server that hosts this program
SQL Server Analysis Services
SQL Server Analysis Services (MSSQLSERVER or TFSInstance)
Team Foundation databases
SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER or TFSInstance)
SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER or TFSInstance)
Application tier
Microsoft Team Foundation Server Application Pool
For more information, see How to: Stop and Start Services, Application Pools, and Web Sites.
Log on to the server that hosts Reporting Services, and stop the following services:
SQL Server Reporting Services (TFSINSTANCE)
ReportServer or ReportServer$InstanceName (application pool)
You manage ReportServer for SQL Server 2005 but not for SQL Server 2008.
Make sure that TCP/IP has been enabled for SQL Server on the data-tier server. For more information, see How to: Enable the TCP/IP Protocol for a Database Instance.
Recreate the Team System Cube
When you recreate the Team System cube, Team Foundation Server drops the old cube and creates a separate instance of the cube. You must then process the cube to populate it with data from the operational stores for Team System.
To recreate the Team System cube
On the application-tier server, open Computer Manager, and stop the Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Task Scheduler Service.
Open a Command Prompt window, and change directories to Drive:%Program Files%\Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server\Tools.
Type the following command:
SetupWarehouse.exe -o -sDataTierServerName-dTFSWarehouse -c warehouseschema.xml -ra TFSReportServiceAccount -a TFSServiceAccount -mturl http://ApplicationTierServerName:Port-lLogFileName
The name of the server that hosts the relational databases for Team Foundation.
If you have moved, failed over, or restored data to a server that is running SQL Server, specify the name of the server.
The name of the service account for Reporting Services in Domain\UserName format.
The name of the service account for Team Foundation Server in Domain\UserName format.
The name of the application-tier server for Team Foundation.
The port number for Web services on which Team Foundation relies. The default value is 8080.
(Optional) Log file for output.
For the -d option, you must specify TfsWarehouse, which is the name of the data warehouse for Team System.
Wait until the command is successfully completed.
If the command is not completed successfully, you should verify that you have all required permissions. You can also check the setupwarehouse.log file (available only if you specified it as an option) and Troubleshooting the Data Warehouse.
Process the Team System Cube
By processing the Team System cube, you help ensure that queries and reports are up to date with data that depends on the cube. When you process the cube, you process the Analysis Services database of the data warehouse for Team System at the same time. The time required to complete processing depends on how much data is in the relational database of the data warehouse.
The Microsoft Team Foundation Server Application Pool must be running for the warehouse controller Web service to be available.
To process the Team System cube
Log on to the application-tier server.
Open Internet Explorer, type the following string in the Address bar, and press ENTER:
The ControllerService page opens.
Click GetWarehouseStatus, and then click Invoke.
Important Note:
The service should return a value of Idle, which indicates that the cube is not being processed. If a different value is returned, repeat this step until Idle is returned.
Return to the ControllerService page, click Run, and then click Invoke.
This step initiates cube processing. The service returns True when it is successful in starting the controller and False if it is not successful. A value of False indicates that the cube is currently being processed.
To determine when the cube has been processed, return to the ControllerService page, click GetWarehouseStatus, and then click Invoke. This service returns the following status values:
ProcessingAdapters (processing schema modifications or pulling data)
ProcessingOlap (processing schema modifications or processing the cube)
Idle (processing has completed)
Cube processing is complete when the GetWarehouseStatus service returns a value of Idle.
During typical operations, the Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Task Scheduler Service calls the ControllerService Web method and processes the cube according to a preset refresh frequency (by default, one hour). To change the frequency, see How to: Change the Frequency for Refreshing the Data Warehouse for Team System.
Restart Services
To restart services
Log on to the appropriate server, open Computer Manager, and start the components in the following table:
Log on to the server that hosts this program
Start this component
Reporting Services
SQL Server Reporting Services (TFSINSTANCE)
(SQL Server 2005 only) ReportServer or ReportServer$InstanceName (application pool)
Application-tier server
Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Task Scheduler Service
Verify That Reports are Accessible
To verify that reports are accessible
Log on to the server that hosts Reporting Services, open Internet Explorer, type the following string in the Address bar, and press ENTER:
If you have deployed a named instance on the data-tier server, type the following string instead:
The Report Manager page opens.
In Contents, click any project, click any one of the default reports in the project, and then verify that the report appears correctly.
See Also
How to: Enable the TCP/IP Protocol for a Database Instance
How to: Delete the Version Control Cache on the Application-tier Server
How to: Restore Data for Team Foundation
How to: Fail Over to a Mirrored Data-Tier Server
How to: Move from a Single-Server to a Dual-Server Deployment
Understanding the Data Warehouse Architecture
Troubleshooting the Data Warehouse