Registers an array of service IDs. The device agent can accept connection requests from the development computer whose service ID is in the array.
HRESULT AcknowledgeLaunch([in] DWORD in_ArraySize, [size_is][in] LPCOLESTR in_szServiceIds[])
Size of the service ID array.in_szServiceIds
Service IDs on which the agent accepts connections.
Return Value
An HRESULT value that indicates the outcome of the method call.
Service IDs are used by the device agent to identify which connection requests the device agent can accept. The device agent can only accept connections whose service IDs have been registered by using this method.
Service IDs cannot contain spaces or be one of the reserved service IDs such as "", "Host", "Transport", "Shutdown", or "Accept". To ensure the uniqueness, machine-generated GUIDs are often used as service IDs. To generate a GUID, select Create GUID in the Tools menu.
This example calls AcknowledgeLaunch to inform the RemoteAgent object on the desktop that the device agent is running on the device. For the complete example, see IDeviceAgentTransport.
Managed Equivalent