VSTOInstaller Error Codes (2007 System)
You can use the Visual Studio Tools for Office installer tool (VSTOinstaller.exe) to install a Visual Studio Tools for Office solution without opening a Microsoft Office application. For more information, see Deploying Office Solutions (2007 System).
The following error codes are returned by VSTOinstaller.exe.
Error Code |
Definition |
0 |
One of the following scenarios occurred:
-100 |
Check for the following possibilities:
Type "vstoinstaller /?" to view the help. For more information, see Customizing Office Solution Installation (2007 System). |
-101 |
At least one command-line option is not valid. Type "vstoinstaller /?" to view the help. |
-200 |
The deployment manifest URI is not valid. Type "vstoinstaller /?" to view the help. |
-201 |
The solution could not be installed because the deployment manifest is not valid. For more information, see Deployment Manifests for Office Solutions (2007 System). |
-202 |
The solution could not be installed because the Visual Studio Tools for Office section of the application manifest is invalid. For more information, see Application Manifests for Office Solutions (2007 System). |
-203 |
The solution could not be installed because of a download error. Check the deployment manifest URI or network file location, and try again. |
-300 |
The solution could not be installed because of a security exception. For more information, see Security in Office Solutions (2007 System). |
-400 |
The solution could not be installed. |
-401 |
The solution could not be uninstalled. |
-500 |
The operation has been canceled. One of the following scenarios occurred: