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Resource strings should be spelled correctly







Breaking Change

Non Breaking


A resource string contains one or more words that are not recognized by the Microsoft spelling checker library.

Rule Description

This rule parses the resource string into words (tokenizing compound words) and checks the spelling of each word/token. For information about the parsing algorithm, see Identifiers should be spelled correctly.

In order for this rule to fire the assemblies must be marked with the AssemblyCultureAttribute or the NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute.

This rule only supports English based cultures. This rule will not fire for any other cultures. By default, the English (en) version of the spelling checker is used.

How to Fix Violations

To fix a violation of this rule, use complete words that are correctly spelled or add the words to a custom dictionary. For information about how to use custom dictionaries, see Identifiers should be spelled correctly.

When to Suppress Warnings

Do not suppress a warning from this rule. Correctly spelled words reduce the time it takes to learn new software libraries.

Resource string compound words should be cased correctly

Identifiers should be spelled correctly