Parameter Rows
A member's parameters are grouped together in rows immediately under the member to which they apply. Parameter rows contain the following items:
Parameter Icon
Three kinds of icons appear to the left of parameter rows:
An opening parenthesis '(' indicates the first parameter of a member.
A closing parenthesis ')' indicates the row following the last parameter of the member. This row contains the words <add parameter>.
A parameter separator (a comma, ',') appears to the left of each parameter after the first one.
Parameter Name
The Name column in a parameter row displays the name of the parameter. This name is also displayed in the Name property in the Properties window. You can use this cell to change the name of any parameter with read-write permissions.
Pointing at the parameter name displays the name of the parameter if the Name column is too narrow to show the entire name.
Parameter Type
The Parameter Type cell uses Intellisense, which lets you choose from a list of all the types available in the current project or referenced projects.
Parameter Modifier
The Modifier cell in a parameter row accepts and displays the new modifier of the parameter. To enter a new parameter modifier, use the drop-down list box to select from In, In/Out, and Out.
<add parameter>
The last parameter row of a member contains the text <add parameter> in the Name cell. Clicking this cell lets you create a new parameter. For more information, see How to: Add a Parameter to a Method.
Parameter properties in the Properties window
The Properties window displays the same parameter properties displayed in the Class Details window: Modifier, Name, and Type. Changing a property in one location updates the value of the property globally, including the display of its value in the other location.