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Writing Quality Code

Ensure quality from the start. Quality is not something that can be easily added later. Problems that are too complex, too obscure, or are discovered too late in the product cycle are usually not fixed. The following topics describe principles and procedures for improving code quality.

In This Section

Guidelines for Conducting Design and Code Reviews

Provides several techniques for conducting design and code review to discover bugs and inappropriate assumptions by having code reviewed by your peers.

Guidelines for Writing Secure Code

Describes techniques and strategies for writing secure code.

Guidelines for Checking in Quality Code

Lists guidelines to check your code in different ways to ensure that your code incorporates what you intended by your quality design.

Guidelines for Debugging

Provides several guidelines for finding code defects.

Guidelines for Using Code Analysis Tools

Provides several guidelines for using code analysis tools.

Detecting and Correcting C/C++ Code Defects

Describes how to detect and correct code defects using code analysis tool for C/C++.

Detecting and Correcting Managed Code Defects

Describes how to detect and correct code defects using code analysis tool for managed code.

Code Analysis Check-in Policies

Describes how to create custom check in policies associated with Team Foundation source control check-ins.


Security Bibliography

Security in Native and .NET Framework Code

See Also


Securing Applications