Compiler Warning (level 2) C4356
'member' : static data member cannot be initialized via derived class
The initialization of a static data member was ill formed. The compiler accepted the initialization.
This is a breaking change in the Visual C++ .NET 2003 compiler. See Summary of Compile-Time Breaking Changes for more information.
For code that works the same in all versions of Visual C++, initialize the member through the base class.
Use the warning pragma to suppress this warning.
The following sample generates C4356:
// C4356.cpp
// compile with: /W2 /EHsc
#include <iostream>
template <class T>
class C {
static int n;
class D : C<int> {};
int D::n = 0; // C4356
// try the following line instead
// int C<int>::n = 0;
class A {
static int n;
class B : public A {};
int B::n = 10; // C4356
// try the following line instead
// int A::n = 99;
int main() {
using namespace std;
cout << B::n << endl;