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Compiler Error CS0686

Accessor 'accessor' cannot implement interface member 'member' for type 'type'. Use an explicit interface implementation.

Suggested: This error can occur when implementing an interface that contains method names which conflict with the auto-generated methods associated with a property or event. The get/set methods for properties are generated as get_property and set_property, and the add/remove methods for events are generated as add_event and remove_event. If an interface contains either of these methods, a conflict occurs. To avoid this error, implement the methods using an explicit interface implementation. To do this, specify the function as:

Interface.get_property() { /* */ }
Interface.set_property() { /* */ }


The following sample generates CS0686:

// CS0686.cs
interface I
    int get_P();

class C : I
    public int P
        get { return 1; }  // CS0686
// But the following is valid:
class D : I
    int I.get_P() { return 1; }
    public static void Main() {}

This error can also occur when declaring events. The event construct automatically generates the add_event and remove_event methods, which could conflict with the methods of the same name in an interface, as in the following sample:

// CS0686b.cs
using System;

interface I
    void add_OnMyEvent(EventHandler e);

class C : I
    public event EventHandler OnMyEvent
        add { }  // CS0686
        remove { }

// Correct (using explicit interface implementation):
class D : I
    void I.add_OnMyEvent(EventHandler e) {}
    public static void Main() {}