Rich Client Application Walkthroughs
The typical rich client application is a stand-alone executable with a graphical interface composed of several controls for the user. The following walkthroughs describe the process for building a form-based application using several different control types, connecting to an existing database, and then displaying the data in the form.
The primary purpose of these walkthroughs is to demonstrate the various features of Visual Studio available to a rich client developer. Therefore, the typical rich client application contains a subset of the features presented.
In This Section
- Creating a Ribbon Application with MFC
Demonstrates how to create a rich-client interface using the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library, with a user interface resembling Office 2007.
Related Sections
Creating a Simple Windows Form
Using a simple but complete example, illustrates the fundamental steps required to create Windows Forms in Visual Basic and Visual C#.Demonstrating Visual Inheritance
Describes how to create a base Windows Form and compile it into a class library. You will import this class library into another project, and create a new form that inherits from the base form.Windows Forms Walkthroughs
Lists additional walkthroughs that you can run to familiarize yourself with features of Visual Studio.