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Visual Basic Concepts

Troubleshooting your Internet Component Download

A few of the more common problems in Internet Component Download and their solutions are listed in this section. These include:

  • You receive an error deleting or renaming the Visual Basic run-time library when simulating a clean machine.

  • You receive the error message "The Dynamic Link Library could not be found in the specified path."

  • You receive the error message "An error has occurred copying MSVBVM60.DLL. Ensure the location specified below is correct."

  • Internet Explorer prompts "Opening file xxx.VBD. What would you like to do with this file? Open it or save to disk?"

  • You receive the error message "Internet Explorer is opening a file of unknown type: xxx.VBD"

Errors Deleting or Renaming the Visual Basic Run Time

You can receive these errors when you attempt to rename or delete the Visual Basic runtime (MSVBVM60.DLL) when simulating a clean machine. In most cases, these errors occur because the file is in use. You cannot delete the Visual Basic runtime when Visual Basic is running. In addition, this error may occur if the browser is viewing an ActiveX document or has currently done so.

To fix this error, close Visual Basic or close your browser and try to delete the file again.

This error generally occurs during testing when the ActiveX document you have been trying to download is still present on the machine.

To fix this problem, delete the ActiveX document from either the OCCache folder or the Downloaded Program Files folder, then restart your download.

Error: "An error has occurred copying Msvbvm60.dll. Ensure the location specified below is correct:"

This error typically occurs when there is insufficient disk space on the machine to which you are attempting to download. To fix this error, free up disk space and restart your download.

Prompt: "Opening file DocumentName.VBD. What would you like to do with this file? Open it or save it to disk?

This error occurs when the Visual Basic runtime library (MSVBVM60.DLL) is not installed. Generally, this occurs when the safety level in Internet Explorer is set to High. To correct this, you must set the safety level in Internet Explorer to Medium or None.

Error: "Internet Explorer is opening file of unknown type: DocumentName.VBD from…"

This error can occur when you download an ActiveX document. The most common of these are listed below, with information on how to solve the problem.

Cause Solution
You are using the wrong .vbd file Make sure you are using the .vbd file provided by the Package and Deployment Wizard.
You are using an outdated .vbd file The CLSID of your .vbd and .exe files may be out of synch. To preserve CLSIDs across builds in your projects, select Binary Compatibility on the Components tab of the Project Property dialog box.
Your actxprxy,dll is missing or not registered Use regsvr32 to register the file, or try recompiling your project.
The Visual Basic runtime is not registered or not in the path Use regsvr32 to register the file, or add it to your system path
Your ActiveX document is not signed or safe for scripting Set the browser safety settings to Medium.
There is a run-time error in the ActiveX document's initialization code, particularly in the Initialize or InitProperties procedures Do a run-time error check on your project.
.cab files are not being downloaded Make sure you are not distributing Visual Basic's core-dependent .cab files, which are not signed, onto a machine with browser security set to High.


Select "Download from alternate web site" from the File Source window when packaging your project in the Package and Deployment wizard and try your download again.

Other solutions you can try include:

  • Turn on version numbering in your ActiveX document project and put the version number in a field so it displays on the main form of your downloaded page. This lets you check to find out if your project downloaded or if you are seeing an older version.

  • Always close and reopen the browser between download attempts to clear the cache.

  • Make sure you are using the latest versions of the controls and DLLs that ship with Visual Basic in your ActiveX document.

For More Information   For more information on troubleshooting the download of ActiveX documents, see Article Q167380 in the Microsoft KnowledgeBase at