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Customized Post-Processing

Customized Post-Processing

Spec Explorer can be extended to provide customized processing of the transition system produced by exploration. For example, instead of the default process of generating C# test cases from exploration results, a user-provided post-processor could generate a system of XML files that represents the test sequence and test oracle, or a report of requirements covered could be generated. This is done by providing a custom assembly with a class that implements the IPostProcessor interface. For an example, see the Requirement Report code sample, which is accessible via the Windows Start menu at All Programs/Spec Explorer 2010/Samples for Visual Studio 2010.

To perform post-processing on one or more machines, select the machines in Exploration Manager, right-click the selection, point to Perform User Task, select or clear the post-processing operations, and then click Perform Checked Tasks. If a post-processing operation is checked, Spec Explorer will perform the operation when it performs post-processing. If no post-processors are installed, Perform User Task is disabled.

When Spec Explorer performs post-processing, each selected post-preprocessor operates on the transition system of each of the selected machines. If more than one machine is selected, Spec Explorer displays a summary of the post-processing operation.


Spec Explorer invokes the selected post-processors in an arbitrary order. A post-processor should not depend on any intermediate results from another post-processor.

See Also


Exploration Manager