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Visual FoxPro IntelliSense Manager Window

The IntelliSense Manager is an application that can be accessed by the _CodeSense system variable (which by default references The IntelliSense Manager makes it possible for you to specify the appearance and behavior of the syntax statements and other tool tip information displayed in properties sheet, editor, and code windows.

You can enable or disable IntelliSense functionality programmatically by setting the _VFP.EditorOptions property value. For more information, see EditorOptions Property.

In the Tools menu, choose IntelliSense Manager, and then make your selections from the following options.

General tab

  • Enable IntelliSense check box
    Globally enables/disables IntelliSense in Visual FoxPro.

  • List members drop down
    Specifies whether the Auto List Members functionality of IntelliSense is active. If disabled, you can still access List Member IntelliSense from the Editor menu or Ctrl+J keyboard shortcut. For details, see List Members.

  • Quick info tips drop down
    Specifies whether the Auto Quick Info functionality of IntelliSense is active. If disabled, you can still access Quick Info IntelliSense from the Editor menu or Ctrl+I keyboard shortcut. For details, see Quick Info.

  • Tips command button
    Opens a window that displays syntax information as soon as you type enough information to disambiguate a Visual FoxPro command.

    Use this for commands and functions that have many clauses or parameters. The Tips window only displays Visual FoxPro command and function information contained in FOXCODE.DBF. Class and object IntelliSense is not displayed.

  • Browse command button
    Opens a browse window on FoxCode.dbf (_FOXCODE), which provides the data for the IntelliSense Manager.

  • Capitalization/Expansion
    This section provides ability to control how native Visual FoxPro syntax is capitalized. In addition to standard capitalization options, you can also choose to disable expansion or have it derived from the _FOXCODE default.

  • Functions drop down
    Provides a list of format choices for Visual FoxPro functions. The default is all UPPERCASE.

  • Commands drop down
    Provides a list of format choices for Visual FoxPro commands. The default is all UPPERCASE.

  • FoxCode Default drop down
    Provides a list of format choices for entries in FoxCode.dbf. This is a global default setting that other entries in FoxCode.dbf can use if they do not have their own capitalization setting. This setting is stored in the first version record of FoxCode.dbf.

  • Apply changes to Visual FoxPro language only check box
    Makes it possible for you to specify whether changes are made to all or only Visual FoxPro native commands and functions. These are denoted by the "RESERVED" keyword in the Source field of the FoxCode.dbf file.

Types tab

Controls the display of data types when specifying strong typing for a variable (such as LOCAL myvar AS). Types can be core intrinsic elements such as string, number, or Visual FoxPro or COM classes. You can add COM or Visual FoxPro classes by clicking the Add Type Library or Add Class command button.

  • Types list box
    You can uncheck a checkbox if you do not want a particular item to appear in the strong typing list. Click on a column header to sort by that column. An asterisk in the third column denotes that the FoxCode.dbf Data field for that item contains script code.
  • Edit command button
    The Edit button makes it possible for you to edit the selected Type reference in the FoxCode.dbf file. You can also double-click on that item in the list box.
  • Type Libraries command button
    Displays the Type Library References dialog box. This dialog box scans your Windows Registry to detect available COM Server and ActiveX Control type libraries. Select type libraries from this dialog box that you want included in your strong typing list.
  • Classes command button
    Makes it possible for you to select a Visual FoxPro class that you want included in your strong typing list.
  • Web Services command button
    Brings up the Web Services Registration dialog box. For details, see Web Service Registration.

Custom tab

Makes it possible for you to add your own custom items in FoxCode.dbf. These can include custom shortcuts to provide auto expansion of commands and functions. A property item can be added to serve as a script to execute (such as displaying a custom Value Editor) when one attempts to set the value of a property. You can also add custom scripts to be executed by your items.

  • Replace text box
    Enter the shortcut you want to trigger auto expansion of the With textbox word.
  • With text box
    Enter the word you want the shortcut in the Replace textbox to expand.
  • Custom list box
    Select an item you want to edit. Once selected, the Replace or With values can be changed. You can double-click to edit the item directly in FoxCode.dbf. An asterisk in the third column denotes that the FoxCode.dbf Data field for that item contains script code.
  • Type drop down
    Makes it possible for you to set the type of your custom item.
  • Script command button
    Brings up an edit window to add or edit script for that item.
  • Edit command button
    Displays entire record for that item for editing.
  • Add command button
    Adds a new item with the specified Replace and With textbox values to FoxCode.dbf. The Add button changes to show Replace if you are modifying an existing item in the listbox.
  • Delete command button
    Deletes a custom item.

Advanced tab

  • Custom properties
    Makes it possible for you to control various special IntelliSense behaviors by specifying custom property values.

    Edit Properties command button   Opens the Custom Properties dialog box so you can specify the value for Advanced IntelliSense behavior.

    Select a property in the Property list, and its description will appear in the Description box. The value of the property is displayed in the Value text box. These custom properties are:

    Property Description Default Value
    lEnableFullSetDisplay Controls whether TO is automatically added after certain SET commands T
    lHideScriptErrors Suppresses screen output of IntelliSense script errors F
    lKeywordCapitalization Enables capitalization and expansion of command keywords T
    lPropertyValueEditors Enables scripts that trigger value editors for certain properties T
    lExpandCOperators Enables auto expansion of C type operators, such as ++, --, +=, -+, *=, and /= T

    To change a value, select a property, and type a new value in the Value text box. Closing the Custom Properties dialog box saves the changes.

  • Maintenance
    Makes it possible for you to restore defaults for FoxCode.dbf and the Most Recently Used (MRU) lists, and to perform other IntelliSense maintenance routines

    Cleanup command button   Opens the Maintenance dialog box.

    • Use the Restore FoxCode command button to re-establish Visual FoxPro IntelliSense defaults. A clean copy of FoxCode.dbf is restored to your system (note: your Custom items will be preserved).
    • Use the Cleanup FoxCode command button to remove any records you have marked for deletion from the _FoxCode table.
    • Use the Cleanup lists command button to remove files from MRU lists that no longer exist.
    • Use the Zap lists command button to zap all content from the MRU list.

See Also

_FoxCode System Variable | _CodeSense System Variable | Web Service Registration | List Members | Quick Info | List Values | IntelliSense Overview | Customizing IntelliSense Using FoxCode