Audit Fulltext Event Class
The Audit Fulltext event class occurs when SQL Server connects to and communicates with the full-text filter daemon process.
Audit Fulltext Event Class Data Columns
Data column name |
Data type |
Description |
Column ID |
Filterable |
Error |
int |
The SQL Server error number, if this event reports an error. |
31 |
Yes |
EventSequence |
int |
The sequence of a given event within the request. |
51 |
No |
EventSubClass |
int |
Type of connection used by the login. 1 = Nonpooled, 2 = Pooled. |
21 |
Yes |
IsSystem |
int |
Indicates whether the event occurred on a system process or a user process. 1 = system, 0 = user. |
60 |
Yes |
SessionLoginName |
nvarchar |
Login name of the user who originated the session. For example, if you connect to SQL Server using Login1 and execute a statement as Login2, SessionLoginName shows Login1 and LoginName shows Login2. This column displays both SQL Server and Windows logins. |
64 |
Yes |
int |
ID of the session on which the event occurred. |
12 |
Yes |
StartTime |
datetime |
Time at which the event started, if available. |
14 |
Yes |
Success |
int |
1 = success. 0 = failure. For example, a value of 1 indicates success of a permissions check and a value of 0 indicates failure of that check. |
23 |
Yes |
TargetLoginName |
int |
For actions that target a login (for example, adding a new login), the name of the targeted login. |
42 |
Yes |
TargetLoginSid |
int |
For actions that target a login (for example, adding a new login), the security identification number (SID) of the targeted login. |
43 |
Yes |
TextData |
ntext |
Text information about the Full-Text event. Typically this field provides information about the connection between the SQL Server process and the full-text filter daemon process |
1 |
Yes |
See Also
sp_trace_setevent (Transact-SQL)