sp_migrate_user_to_contained (Transact-SQL)
Converts a database user that is mapped to a SQL Server login, to a contained database user with password. In a contained database, use this procedure to remove dependencies on the instance of SQL Server where the database is installed. sp_migrate_user_to_contained separates the user from the original SQL Server login, so that settings such as password and default language can be administered separately for the contained database. sp_migrate_user_to_contained can be used before moving the contained database to a different instance of the SQL Server Database Engine to eliminate dependencies on the current SQL Server instance logins.
Note This procedure is only used in a contained database. For more information, see Contained Databases.
sp_migrate_user_to_contained [ @username = ] N'user' ,
[ @rename = ] { N'copy_login_name' | N'keep_name' } ,
[ @disablelogin = ] { N'disable_login' | N'do_not_disable_login' }
[@username = ] N'user'
Name of a user in the current contained database that is mapped to a SQL Server authenticated login. The value is sysname, with a default of NULL.[@rename = ] N'copy_login_name' | N'keep_name'
When a database user based on a login has a different user name than the login name, use keep_name to retain the database user name during the migration. Use copy_login_name to create the new contained database user with the name of the login, instead of the user. When a database user based on a login has the same user name as the login name, both options create the contained database user without changing the name.[@disablelogin = ] N'disable_login' | N'do_not_disable_login'
disable_login disables the login in the master database. To connect when the login is disabled, the connection must provide the contained database name as the initial catalog as part of the connection string.
Return Code Values
0 (success) or 1 (failure)
sp_migrate_user_to_contained creates the contained database user with password, regardless of the properties or permissions of the login. For example, the procedure can succeed if the login is disabled or if the user is denied the CONNECT permission to the database.
sp_migrate_user_to_contained has the following restrictions.
The user name cannot already exist in the database.
Built-in users, for example dbo and guest, cannot be converted.
The user cannot be specified in the EXECUTE AS clause of a signed stored procedure.
The user cannot own a stored procedure that includes the EXECUTE AS OWNER clause.
sp_migrate_user_to_contained cannot be used in a system database.
When migrating users, be careful not to disable or delete all the administrator logins from the instance of SQL Server. If all logins are deleted, see Connect to SQL Server When System Administrators Are Locked Out.
If the BUILTIN\Administrators login is present, administrators can connect by starting their application using the Run as Administrator option.
Requires the CONTROL SERVER permission.
A. Migrating a single user
The following example migrates a SQL Server login named Barry, to a contained database user with password. The example retains the does not change the user name, and retains the login as enabled.
@username = N'Barry',
@rename = N'keep_name',
@disablelogin = N'do_not_disable_login' ;
B. Migrating all database users with logins to contained database users without logins
The following example migrates all users that are based on SQL Server logins to contained database users with passwords. The example excludes logins that are not enabled. The example must be executed in the contained database.
DECLARE @username sysname ;
DECLARE user_cursor CURSOR
SELECT dp.name
FROM sys.database_principals AS dp
JOIN sys.server_principals AS sp
ON dp.sid = sp.sid
WHERE dp.authentication_type = 1 AND sp.is_disabled = 0;
OPEN user_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM user_cursor INTO @username
EXECUTE sp_migrate_user_to_contained
@username = @username,
@rename = N'keep_name',
@disablelogin = N'disable_login';
FETCH NEXT FROM user_cursor INTO @username
CLOSE user_cursor ;
DEALLOCATE user_cursor ;