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MergePullSubscription Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Represents a pull subscription to a merge publication.

The MergePullSubscription type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method MergePullSubscription() Creates a new instance of the MergePullSubscription class.
Public method MergePullSubscription(String, String, String, String, ServerConnection) Creates a new instance of the MergePullSubscription class with the specified database, Publisher, publication, and Subscriber connection.
Public method MergePullSubscription(String, String, String, String, ServerConnection, Boolean) Creates a new instance of the MergePullSubscription class with the specified database, Publisher, publication, Subscriber connection, and whether the agent job is created.



  Name Description
Protected method CheckValidCreation() Infrastructure. (Inherited from ReplicationObject.)
Protected method CheckValidDefinition(Boolean) Infrastructure. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public method CommitPropertyChanges() Sends all the cached property change statements to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server. (Inherited from ReplicationObject.)
Public method Create() Creates the pull subscription on the Subscriber. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Protected method CustomEnabledForSyncMgr(StringBuilder) Infrastructure. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public method Decouple() Decouples the referenced replication object from the server. (Inherited from ReplicationObject.)
Public method EnumSynchronizationPartners() Returns the Alternate Synchronization Partners
Public method Equals(Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize() (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetChangeCommand(StringBuilder, String, String) Infrastructure. (Inherited from ReplicationObject.)
Protected method GetCreateCommand(StringBuilder, Boolean, ScriptOptions) Infrastructure. (Inherited from ReplicationObject.)
Protected method GetDropCommand(StringBuilder, Boolean) Infrastructure. (Inherited from ReplicationObject.)
Public method GetHashCode() (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType() (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method InitMemberVariables(String, String, String, String, Boolean) Infrastructure. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Protected method InternalRefresh(Boolean) Infrastructure. (Inherited from ReplicationObject.)
Public method LastAgentJobHistoryInfo() Returns information on the last Synchronization Agent job that was run. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public method Load() Loads the properties of an existing object from the server. (Inherited from ReplicationObject.)
Public method LoadProperties() Loads the properties of an existing object from the server. (Inherited from ReplicationObject.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone() (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Refresh() Reloads the properties of the object. (Inherited from ReplicationObject.)
Public method Reinitialize(Boolean) Marks the merge pull subscription for reinitialization.
Public method Remove() Removes the pull subscription. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public method Script(ScriptOptions) Returns a Transact-SQL script to create or delete the pull subscription based on the current property setting of the PullSubscription object. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public method StopSynchronizationJob() Attempts to stop a running Merge Agent job that is currently synchronizing the subscription. (Overrides PullSubscription.StopSynchronizationJob().)
Public method SynchronizeWithJob() Starts the agent job asynchronously to synchronize the pull subscription. (Overrides PullSubscription.SynchronizeWithJob().)
Public method ToString() (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Public property AgentJobId Gets the ID of the agent job used to synchronize the subscription. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property AgentOffload Gets or sets whether or not the Synchronization Agent runs on a computer other than the one where the agent job was created. This property is no longer supported for Distributors running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and later. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property AgentOffloadServer Gets or sets the name of the remote computer where the agent runs when using remote agent activation. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property AgentSchedule Gets the schedule for the agent job used to synchronize the subscription. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property AltSnapshotFolder Gets or sets the location where the publication snapshot files are obtained when the default snapshot location at the Distributor is not used. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property CachePropertyChanges Gets or sets whether to cache changes made to the replication properties or to apply them immediately. (Inherited from ReplicationObject.)
Public property ConnectionContext Gets or sets the connection to an instance of Microsoft SQL Server. (Inherited from ReplicationObject.)
Public property CreateSyncAgentByDefault Gets or sets whether or not the agent job used to start the Replication Agent to synchronize the subscription is created when the subscription is created. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property DatabaseName Gets or sets the name of the subscription database. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property Description Gets or sets a textual description of the pull subscription. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property DistributorName Gets or sets the instance of Microsoft SQL Server that is the Distributor and is distributing the publication to which the subscription subscribes. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property DistributorSecurity Gets the security context used to connect to the Distributor. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property DynamicSnapshotLocation Gets or sets the file location for the subscription-specific snapshot files when the publication uses a parameterized row filter.
Public property EnabledForSynchronizationManager Specifies whether or not the subscription can be synchronized using Windows Synchronization Manager. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property FtpAddress Infrastructure. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property FtpLogin Infrastructure. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property FtpPassword Infrastructure. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property FtpPort Infrastructure. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property HostName Gets or sets the value supplied to the HOST_NAME function when this function is used in the parameterized row filter that defines the Subscriber's data partition.
Public property InternetLogin Gets or sets the login used with HTTP Basic Authentication when connecting to the Web server during Web synchronization.
Public property InternetPassword Gets or sets the password for the supplied InternetLogin value when connecting to the Web server during Web synchronization.
Public property InternetSecurityMode Gets or sets the HTTP authentication method used when connecting to the Web server during Web synchronization.
Public property InternetTimeout Gets or sets the HTTP timeout, in seconds, when connecting to the Web server during Web synchronization.
Public property InternetUrl Gets or sets the URL to use when synchronizing the subscription using Web synchronization.
Public property IsExistingObject Gets whether the object exists on the server or not. (Inherited from ReplicationObject.)
Public property LastAgentDateTime Gets the date and time when the subscription was last synchronized. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property LastAgentStatus Gets the status of the most recent synchronization of the subscription. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property LastAgentSummary Gets a summary of the result of the most recent synchronization of the subscription. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property Name Gets the name generated for the pull subscription. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property Priority Gets or sets the weighting of this server subscription relative to other server subscriptions when resolving conflicts between subscriptions.
Public property PublicationDBName Gets or sets the name of the publication database. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property PublicationName Gets or sets the name of the publication to which the subscription subscribes. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property PublisherName Gets or sets the name of the Publisher. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property PublisherSecurity Gets or sets the security context used by the Synchronization Agent when connecting to the Publisher. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property SecureFtpPassword Infrastructure. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property SecureInternetPassword Sets the password (as a SecureString object) used when connecting to the Web server using HTTP Basic Authentication.
Public property SqlServerName Gets the name of the Microsoft SQL Server instance to which this object is connected. (Inherited from ReplicationObject.)
Public property SubscriberSecurity Gets the security context that is used by the Synchronization Agent when connecting to the Subscriber. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property SubscriberType Gets or sets whether the subscription is a server or client subscription.
Public property SubscriptionId Gets the subscription ID value. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property SubscriptionType Gets whether the subscription registration is for a push, pull, or anonymous subscription. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property SynchronizationAgent Gets an object that represents an instance of the Merge Agent that can be used to synchronize the subscription.
Public property SynchronizationAgentProcessSecurity Gets the security context that is used to specify the Microsoft Windows account under which the Synchronization Agent job runs to synchronize the subscription. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property SyncType Gets or sets the manner in which data is initialized at the Subscriber.
Public property Type Infrastructure. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property UseFtp Gets or sets whether or not the snapshot files needed to initialize the pull subscription are accessed by the Synchronization Agent using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
Public property UseInteractiveResolver Gets or sets whether the Interactive Resolver is used during the synchronization process.
Public property UserData Gets or sets an object property that allows users to attach their own data to the object. (Inherited from ReplicationObject.)
Public property UseWebSynchronization Gets or sets whether the subscription is synchronized using Web synchronization.
Public property WorkingDirectory Gets or sets the path of the directory at the Subscriber that is used to temporarily store and decompress downloaded snapshot files. (Inherited from PullSubscription.)
