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Adding Data to a Tablix Data Region (Report Builder 2.0)

To display data from a report dataset in a table or matrix, in each data cell, specify the name of a dataset field to display. You can display detail data or grouped data. If you add groups to a table or matrix, rows and columns for group values and group data are added automatically. You can then add subtotals and totals for your data.

All data in a data region belongs to at least one group. Detail data is a member of the details group. For more information about detail and grouped data, see Understanding Groups (Report Builder 2.0).

Adding Detail Data

Detail data is all the data from a report dataset after filters are applied to the dataset, data region, and details group. All detail data displayed in a single Tablix data region must come from the same report dataset.

To add detail data from a report dataset to a Tablix data region, drag a dataset field from the Report Data pane to each cell in the detail row. For existing cells in a Tablix data region, you can add or edit a dataset field expression by using the field selector in each cell or by dragging a field from the Report Data pane to the cell. To create additional columns, you can drag the field from the Report Data pane and insert it into an existing Tablix data region.

By default, at run-time, a cell in the details row displays detail data and a cell in a group row displays an aggregate value. For more information about Tablix rows and columns, see Understanding Tablix Data Region Cells, Rows, and Columns (Report Builder 2.0).

A table template and a list template provide a details row. A matrix template has no details row. If your Tablix data region has no details row, you can add one by defining a details group. For more information, see How to: Add a Details Group (Report Builder 2.0).

Adding Grouped Data

Grouped data is all the detail data specified by a group expression after filters are applied to the dataset, data region, and the group. To organize detail data in groups, drag fields from the Report Data pane to the Grouping pane. When you add a group, Reporting Services automatically adds related rows or columns to the Tablix data region on which to display grouped data. Cells in these rows or columns are associated with grouped data. For more information, see Grouping Data in a Data Region (Report Builder 2.0) and How to: Add or Delete a Group in a Data Region (Report Builder 2.0).

By default, when you add a dataset field that represents numeric data to a cell in a group row or column, the value of the cell is the sum of the grouped data scoped to the innermost row and column group memberships for the cell. You can change the default aggregate function Sum to any other aggregate function, such as Avg or Count. You can also change the default scope for an aggregate calculation, for example, to calculate the percentage a value contributes to a row group. For more information, see Calculating Totals and Other Aggregates (Report Builder 2.0).

By default, all grouped data comes from the same report dataset. In a Tablix data region, you can include aggregate values from another dataset by specifying the dataset name as a scope. You can specify multiple aggregate values from multiple datasets within a single Tablix data region. For more information, see Using Built-in Report and Aggregate Functions in Expressions (Report Builder 2.0).

Adding Subtotals and Totals

To add subtotals for a group and grand totals for the data region, use the Add Total feature on the shortcut menu in a cell or in the Grouping pane. The rows and columns on which to display the totals are automatically added for you. Subtotal and total expressions default to using the Sum aggregate function. After you add the expression, you can change the default function. For more information, see How to: Add a Total to a Group or Tablix Data Region (Report Builder 2.0) and Calculating Totals and Other Aggregates (Report Builder 2.0).

Adding Labels

To add labels for a group or for the data region, add a row or column outside the group that you want to label. Label rows and columns are similar to rows and columns that you add to display totals. For more information, see How to: Insert or Delete a Row (Report Builder 2.0) or How to: Insert or Delete a Column (Report Builder 2.0).

Adding an Existing Tablix Data Region from Another Report

You can copy a data region from another report and paste it into -a new or existing report. After you paste the data region, you must ensure that the dataset that is linked to the data region is defined, and that the dataset fields have identical in names and data types as in the original report. You can update the link from the data region to the report dataset. For more information, see How to: Associate a Data Region with a Dataset (Report Builder 2.0).