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Planning for Report Authoring and Report Deployment

SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services (SSRS) offers several approaches for authoring and deploying reports. This topic provides an overview of report definition support by SSRS components. A report definition is an XML file that is written in the Report Definition Language (RDL) or the Report Definition Language for Clients (RDLC). Each report definition conforms to a specific schema version that is included in the file.

RDL files are authored in Report Designer in Business Intelligence Development Studio in SSRS, Report Builder 1.0, or Report Builder 2.0. RDLC files are authored by using the ReportViewer controls that are included in Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008.

Use this topic to help determine the following:

  • Which report versions can be authored, published, and viewed on a SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services report server.

  • Which authoring environments can create, deploy, and locally preview which report versions.

RDL Schema Versions

SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services (SSRS) introduces a new version of the RDL schema that supports new features in a report definition. For more information, see What's New in Report Authoring.

Previous versions of the RDL schema continue to be supported. The following table lists each available schema version and the abbreviation that is used throughout the rest of this topic:


Schema version

2000 RDL

2005 RDL

2005 RDLC

2008 RDL

For more information about specific RDL schemas, see Microsoft SQL Server XML Schemas and Report Definition Language Specifications.

For more information about ReportViewer controls and client report definitions, see Reporting Services and ReportViewer Controls in Visual Studio and Converting RDL and RDLC Files.

For more information about identifying which report schema version is installed on the report server or on the report authoring client, see How to: Identify the Report Schema Version.

Report Server Processing Support

On a SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services report server, you can publish report definition files in the following ways:

  • Deploy a report in Report Designer in SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio.

  • Save a report in Report Builder 2.0.

  • Save a report in Report Builder 1.0.

  • Upload a report to a report server that is configured in native mode in Report Manager.

  • Upload a report to a SharePoint site that is configured with a report server.

  • Programmatically publish a report by using the SOAP API interfaces. For more information, see Report Server Web Service.

On a SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services report server, the following report definition schemas are supported:

  • 2000 RDL

  • 2005 RDL

  • 2008 RDL

When you upload a report definition to the report server by using Report Manager, the report server preserves the report definition in the original format. On first use, the report server upgrades the report in the report server database to a binary format that is preserved for subsequent views. From Report Manager on the General Properties page of the report, you can extract a read-only copy of the report definition in the original format.


To upgrade the report definition, you must open the report in a report authoring environment.

For more information about report upgrades and the schema versions that are supported, see Upgrading Reports.

Report Authoring and Deployment Support

Report authoring environments include Report Designer in Business Intelligence Development Studio in SSRS, Report Designer in Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008, Report Builder 1.0, or Report Builder 2.0. Report authoring environments provide a variety of support for report upgrade, report design, report preview in local mode, report preview on the report server, and report deployment. For more information about feature support, see Comparing Report Authoring Environments.

The following table summarizes support for authoring and deploying report definitions for different schema versions:


Authoring environment

Author RDL version

Deploy RDL version

Deploy to report server versions

SQL Server 2000

Report Designer in BI Development Studio

2000 RDL

2000 RDL

SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services

SQL Server 2005

Report Designer in BI Development Studio

2000 RDL, upgrades to 2005 RDL

2005 RDL

2005 RDL

SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

SQL Server 2008

Report Designer in BI Development Studio

2000 RDL, upgrades to 2008 RDL

2005 RDL, upgrades to 2008 RDL

2008 RDL

2008 RDL

SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

Report Builder 2.0

Report Builder 2.0

2000 RDL, upgrades to 2008 RDL

2005 RDL, upgrades to 2008 RDL

2008 RDL

2008 RDL

SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

Report Builder 1.0

Report Builder 1.0

2005 RDL

2005 RDL

SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008

Report Designer

2005 RDLC



ReportViewer Controls

A ReportViewer control in Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008 can display a report in local preview or can display a report on a report server. The following table provides the list of report schema versions that a report viewer control can display:


Local preview

Server version for server mode

Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008

2005 RDL

SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services:

2005 RDL

Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008

2005 RDL

SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services:

2005 RDL

2008 RDL

For more information, see Reporting Services and ReportViewer Controls in Visual Studio.

Change History

Updated content

Added information about how to use Report Manager to retrieve a read-only copy of the report definition from the report server.