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Generate and Publish Scripts Wizard (Manage Providers)

Use this dialog box to view, add, edit, delete, or test hosting provider connections. A hosting provider specifies the connection information for a Web service created by using the Database Publishing Service project in the SQL Server Hosting Toolkit on CodePlex. The service enables customers of the Web hoster to publish their database to the service by using the Generate and Publish Scripts Wizard. For more information, see the SQL Server Database Publishing Services download page.

  • Configured providers
    Lists the name and Webservice address of each hosting provider that has been saved.

  • New
    Opens the Provider configuration for new provider dialog box to add a new hostingprovider.

  • Edit
    Opens the corresponding Provider configuration dialog box to edit an existing hosting provider.

  • Delete
    Deletes the selected hostingprovider**.**

  • Test
    Tests the connection to a hosting service by using the information from the selected provider.

  • OK
    Saves all changes that you have made on the Hosting Provider dialog box.

  • Cancel
    Undoes all changes that you have made on the Hosting Provider dialog box.