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Configure E-mail for a Reporting Services Service Application (SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013)

Reporting Services data alerting sends alerts in e-mail messages. To send e-mail you may need to configure your Reporting Services service application and you may need to modify the e-mail delivery extension for the service application. The e-mail settings are also required if you plan to use the e-mail delivery extension for the Reporting Services subscription feature.

Applies to: Reporting Services SharePoint mode | SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013.

To configure e-mail for the shared service

  1. In SharePoint Central Administration, click the Application Management.

  2. In the Service Applications group, click Manage service applications.

  3. In the Name list, click the name of your Reporting Services service application.

  4. Click E-mail Settings on the Manage Reporting Services Application page.

  5. Select Use SMTP server.

  6. In the Outbound SMTP server box, type the name of an SMTP server.

  7. In the From address box, type an e-mail address.

    This address is the sender of all alert e-mail messages.

    The account of the user specified in From address must be a managed account that you specified when you configured the application pool for the Reporting Services service application. If you have permission, you can view a list of existing managed accounts on the Service Accounts page in SharePoint Central Administration.

  8. Click OK.

NTLM Authentication

  1. If your email environment requires NTLM authentication and does not allow anonymous access, you need to modify the e-mail delivery extension configuration for your Reporting Services service applications. Change the SMTPAuthenticate to use a value of "2". This value cannot be changed from the user interface. The following PowerShell script example, updates the full configuration for the report server e-mail delivery extension for the service application named "SSRS_TESTAPPLICATION". Note some of the nodes listed in the script can also be set from the user interface, for example the "From" address.

    $app = Get-SPRSServiceApplication | Where {$ -like "SSRS_TESTAPPLICATION *"}  
    $emailCfg = Get-SPRSExtension -Identity $app -ExtensionType "Delivery" -Name "Report Server Email" | Select -ExpandProperty ConfigurationXml
    $emailXml = [xml]$emailCfg
    $emailXml.SelectSingleNode("//SMTPServer").InnerText = "your email server name"  
    $emailXml.SelectSingleNode("//SendUsing").InnerText = "2"  
    $emailXml.SelectSingleNode("//SMTPAuthenticate").InnerText = "2"  
    $emailXml.SelectSingleNode("//From").InnerText = "your FROM email address"  
    Set-SPRSExtension -Identity $app -ExtensionType "Delivery" -Name "Report Server Email" -ExtensionConfiguration $emailXml.OuterXml  
  2. If you need to verify the name of your service application, run the Get-SPRSServiceApplication cmdlet.

  3. The following example will return the current values of the e-mail extension for the service application named "SSRS_TESTAPPLICATION".

    $app = get-sprsserviceapplication | Where {$ -like "SSRSTEST_APPLICATION*"}  
    Get-SPRSExtension -Identity $app -ExtensionType "Delivery" -Name "Report Server Email" | Select -ExpandProperty ConfigurationXml  
  4. The following example will create a new file named "emailconfig.txt" with the current values of the e-mail extension for the service application named "SSRS_TESTAPPLICATION"

    $app = Get-SPRSServiceApplication | Where {$ -like "SSRS_TESTAPPLICATION*"}  
    Get-SPRSExtension -identity $app -ExtensionType "Delivery" -name "Report Server Email" | Select -ExpandProperty ConfigurationXml | Out-File c:\emailconfig.txt