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Tables Representation (Tabular)

In tabular models, a table is the base representation of the data.

Tables Representation

Tables in AMO

When using AMO to manage a table, there is no one-to-one object match. In AMO, a table is represented by a Dimension and MeasureGroup. For a measure group to exist, a Cube must be defined to host the measure group. For a dimension, measure group, and cube to exist, a Data Source View object must be defined to hold the binding definitions to the data source.

From a procedural perspective, a Data Source View needs to be created before any other object is defined. The data source view object contains the mapping for all relevant objects in the data source. The mapping of the relational model is embedded in the data source view as a .Net DataSet object and stored in the Schema property of the DSV.

The following code snippet assumes you have a SQL client connection string, a dictionary of Select statements that map to all tables in the relational model you intend to represent in your tabular model, and a variable newDataSourceViewName with the name of the data source view (usually the name of your relational database).

DataSet newDataSourceViewDataSet = new DataSet(newDataSourceViewName);  
Foreach( String tableName in listOfSqlStatements.Keys)  
    String sqlStmt = listOfSqlStatements[tableName];  
    DataTable newTable = new DataTable(tableName);  
    using (SqlConnection SqlCnx = new SqlConnection(SqlCnxStr))  
        SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlStmt, SqlCnx);  
        dataAdapter.FillSchema(newTable, SchemaType.Source);  
AMO.DataSourceView newDatasourceView = newDatabase.DataSourceViews.AddNew(newDataSourceViewName, newDataSourceViewName);  
newDatasourceView.DataSourceID = newDatasource.ID; //This is the ID of the DataSource object   
newDatasourceView.Schema = newDataSourceViewDataSet; //Here you are storing all the relational schema in the DSV  

Once the Data Source View has been created and updated, the cube object needs to be created, but not updated in the server until the first table is created. A cube object cannot be created empty. The following code snippet shows how to create a cube; the snippet assumes you have a non-empty string newCubeName with the name of the cube already validated for duplicates too.

modelCube = newDatabase.Cubes.Add(newCubeName, newCubeName);  
modelCube.Source = new AMO.DataSourceViewBinding(newDatasourceView.ID);  
modelCube.StorageMode = AMO.StorageMode.InMemory;  
modelCube.Language = newDatabase.Language;  
modelCube.Collation = newDatabase.Collation;  
//Create initial MdxScript  
AMO.MdxScript mdxScript = modelCube.MdxScripts.Add("MdxScript", "MdxScript");  
StringBuilder initialCommand = new StringBuilder();  
initialCommand.AppendLine("CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.Measures.[__No measures defined] AS 1;");  
initialCommand.AppendLine("ALTER CUBE CURRENTCUBE UPDATE DIMENSION Measures, Default_Member = [__No measures defined];");  
mdxScript.Commands.Add(new AMO.Command(initialCommand.ToString()));  

Once the cube is defined locally, tables can be created and updated. The following procedure outlines the necessary steps to create a table:

  1. Create the dimension that represents the table and don't update the server yet.

  2. Create the RowNumber attribute and define it as the key attribute of the dimension.

  3. Create dimension attributes and mark them with a one-to-many relationship to RowNumber.

  4. Add dimension to cube dimensions.

  5. Create the measure group that also represents the table.

  6. Add dimension to measure group.

  7. Create AMO default measure object to the measure group. Note, this is the only time an AMO measure object is used; calculated measures, in tabular models, are defined in the AMO MdxScripts["MdxScript"] object.

  8. Create default partition.

  9. Update database.

The following code snippet shows how to create a table:

private Boolean CreateTable(  
                       AMO.Database db      //the AMO database object where dimension are created  
                     , AMO.Cube cb          //the AMO cube where measure group is created  
                     , DataTable dataTable  //the schema of the table to be created  
    String tableID = dataTable.TableName;  
    if (db.Dimensions.Contains(tableID))  
        if (cb.MeasureGroups.Contains(tableID))  
            cb.MeasureGroups.Remove(tableID, true);  
        if (cb.Dimensions.Contains(tableID))  
            cb.Dimensions.Remove(tableID, true);  
    #region Create Dimension  
    //Define Dimension general properties  
    AMO.Dimension currentDimension = db.Dimensions.AddNew(tableID, tableID);  
    currentDimension.Source = new AMO.DataSourceViewBinding(newDatasourceView.ID);  
    currentDimension.StorageMode = AMO.DimensionStorageMode.InMemory;  
    currentDimension.UnknownMember = AMO.UnknownMemberBehavior.AutomaticNull;  
    currentDimension.UnknownMemberName = "Unknown";  
    currentDimension.ErrorConfiguration = new AMO.ErrorConfiguration();  
    currentDimension.ErrorConfiguration.KeyNotFound = AMO.ErrorOption.IgnoreError;  
    currentDimension.ErrorConfiguration.KeyDuplicate = AMO.ErrorOption.ReportAndStop;  
    currentDimension.ErrorConfiguration.NullKeyNotAllowed = AMO.ErrorOption.ReportAndStop;  
    currentDimension.Language = db.Language;  
    currentDimension.Collation = db.Collation;  
    currentDimension.ProactiveCaching = new AMO.ProactiveCaching();  
    TimeSpan defaultProactiveChachingTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(0, 0, -1);  
    currentDimension.ProactiveCaching.SilenceInterval = defaultProactiveChachingTimeSpan;  
    currentDimension.ProactiveCaching.Latency = defaultProactiveChachingTimeSpan;  
    currentDimension.ProactiveCaching.SilenceOverrideInterval = defaultProactiveChachingTimeSpan;  
    currentDimension.ProactiveCaching.ForceRebuildInterval = defaultProactiveChachingTimeSpan;  
    currentDimension.ProactiveCaching.Source = new AMO.ProactiveCachingInheritedBinding();  
    //Manualy add a "RowNumber" attribute as the key attribute of the dimension, until a primary key is defined  
    //"RowNumber" a required column for a tabular model and has to be of type AMO.AttributeType.RowNumber and binding AMO.RowNumberBinding.  
    //The name of the "RowNumber" attribute can be any name, as long as type and binding are correctly set  
    //By default, the MS client tools set the column name and column ID of the RowNumber attribute to "RowNumber"  
    //In this sample, to avoid problems, on any customer table that contains a column named 'RowNumber'   
    //the Id value of the column (in the dimension object) will be renamed to 'RowNumber_in_<TableName>' and the Name of the column will remain "RowNumber"  
    AMO.DimensionAttribute currentAttribute = currentDimension.Attributes.Add("RowNumber", "RowNumber");  
    currentAttribute.Type = AMO.AttributeType.RowNumber;  
    currentAttribute.KeyUniquenessGuarantee = true;  
    currentAttribute.Usage = AMO.AttributeUsage.Key;  
    currentAttribute.KeyColumns.Add(new AMO.DataItem());  
    currentAttribute.KeyColumns[0].DataType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Integer;  
    currentAttribute.KeyColumns[0].DataSize = 4;  
    currentAttribute.KeyColumns[0].NullProcessing = AMO.NullProcessing.Error;  
    currentAttribute.KeyColumns[0].Source = new AMO.RowNumberBinding();  
    currentAttribute.NameColumn = new AMO.DataItem();  
    currentAttribute.NameColumn.DataType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.WChar;  
    currentAttribute.NameColumn.DataSize = 4;  
    currentAttribute.NameColumn.NullProcessing = AMO.NullProcessing.ZeroOrBlank;  
    currentAttribute.NameColumn.Source = new AMO.RowNumberBinding();  
    currentAttribute.OrderBy = AMO.OrderBy.Key;  
    currentAttribute.AttributeHierarchyVisible = false;  
    //Deferring AttributeRelationships until after adding each other attribute  
    //Add each column in the table as an attribute in the dimension  
    foreach (DataColumn dataColumn in dataTable.Columns)  
        string attributeID, attributeName;  
        if (dataColumn.ColumnName != "RowNumber")  
            attributeID = dataColumn.ColumnName;  
            attributeID = string.Format("RowNumber_in_{0}", dataTable.TableName);  
        attributeName = dataColumn.ColumnName;  
        currentAttribute = currentDimension.Attributes.Add(attributeName, attributeID);  
        currentAttribute.Usage = AMO.AttributeUsage.Regular;  
        currentAttribute.KeyUniquenessGuarantee = false;  
        currentAttribute.KeyColumns.Add(new AMO.DataItem(dataTable.TableName, dataColumn.ColumnName, AMO.OleDbTypeConverter.GetRestrictedOleDbType(dataColumn.DataType)));  
        currentAttribute.KeyColumns[0].Source = new AMO.ColumnBinding(dataTable.TableName, dataColumn.ColumnName);  
        currentAttribute.KeyColumns[0].NullProcessing = AMO.NullProcessing.Preserve;  
        currentAttribute.NameColumn = new AMO.DataItem(dataTable.TableName, dataColumn.ColumnName, System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.WChar);  
        currentAttribute.NameColumn.Source = new AMO.ColumnBinding(dataTable.TableName, dataColumn.ColumnName);  
        currentAttribute.NameColumn.NullProcessing = AMO.NullProcessing.ZeroOrBlank;  
        currentAttribute.OrderBy = AMO.OrderBy.Key;  
        AMO.AttributeRelationship currentAttributeRelationship = currentDimension.Attributes["RowNumber"].AttributeRelationships.Add(currentAttribute.ID);  
        currentAttributeRelationship.Cardinality = AMO.Cardinality.Many;  
        currentAttributeRelationship.OverrideBehavior = AMO.OverrideBehavior.None;  
    #region Add Dimension to Model cube  
    cb.Dimensions.Add(tableID, tableID, tableID);  
    #region Add MeasureGroup to Model cube  
    AMO.MeasureGroup currentMeasureGroup = cb.MeasureGroups.Add(tableID, tableID);  
    currentMeasureGroup.StorageMode = AMO.StorageMode.InMemory;  
    currentMeasureGroup.ProcessingMode = AMO.ProcessingMode.Regular;  
    //Adding Dimension  
    AMO.DegenerateMeasureGroupDimension currentMGDim = new AMO.DegenerateMeasureGroupDimension(tableID);  
    currentMGDim.ShareDimensionStorage = AMO.StorageSharingMode.Shared;  
    currentMGDim.CubeDimensionID = tableID;  
    foreach (AMO.CubeAttribute ca in cb.Dimensions[tableID].Attributes)  
        AMO.MeasureGroupAttribute mga = new AMO.MeasureGroupAttribute(ca.AttributeID);  
        if (mga.AttributeID == "RowNumber")  
            mga.Type = AMO.MeasureGroupAttributeType.Granularity;  
            AMO.DataItem rowNumberKeyColumn = new AMO.DataItem(new AMO.ColumnBinding(tableID, "RowNumber"));  
            rowNumberKeyColumn.DataType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Integer;  
            foreach (AMO.DataItem di in ca.Attribute.KeyColumns)  
                AMO.DataItem keyColumn = new AMO.DataItem(new AMO.ColumnBinding(tableID, ((AMO.ColumnBinding)di.Source).ColumnID));  
                keyColumn.DataType = di.DataType;  
                keyColumn.NullProcessing = AMO.NullProcessing.Preserve;  
                keyColumn.InvalidXmlCharacters = AMO.InvalidXmlCharacters.Remove;  
    //Adding default Measure  
    String defaultMeasureID = string.Concat("_Count ", tableID);  
    AMO.Measure currentMeasure = currentMeasureGroup.Measures.Add(defaultMeasureID, defaultMeasureID);  
    currentMeasure.AggregateFunction = AMO.AggregationFunction.Count;  
    currentMeasure.DataType = AMO.MeasureDataType.BigInt;  
    AMO.DataItem currentMeasureSource = new AMO.DataItem(new AMO.RowBinding(tableID));  
    currentMeasureSource.DataType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.BigInt;  
    currentMeasure.Source = currentMeasureSource;  
    AMO.Partition currentPartition = new AMO.Partition(tableID, tableID);  
    currentPartition.StorageMode = AMO.StorageMode.InMemory;  
    currentPartition.ProcessingMode = AMO.ProcessingMode.Regular;  
    currentPartition.Source = new AMO.QueryBinding(newDatasource.ID, (String)dataTable.ExtendedProperties["sqlStmt"]);  
    #region Update new objects in database  
    db.Update(AMO.UpdateOptions.ExpandFull, AMO.UpdateMode.UpdateOrCreate);  
    return true;  


The above code snippet has no error checking or clean up procedures in case of failure.