Delen via

Failure Hooks


The latest version of this topic can be found at Failure Hooks.

The failure hook is enabled in the same manner as the notification hook. The hook routine needs to return a suitable value so that processing can continue (an HINSTANCE or FARPROC) or 0 to indicate that an exception should be thrown.

The pointer variable that refers to the user-defined function is:

// This is the failure hook, dliNotify = {dliFailLoadLib|dliFailGetProc}  
PfnDliHook   __pfnDliFailureHook2;  

The DelayLoadInfo structure contains all the pertinent data necessary for accurate reporting of the error, including the value from GetLastError.

If the notification is dliFailLoadLib, the hook function can return:

  • 0, if it cannot handle the failure.

  • An HMODULE, if the failure hook fixed the problem and loaded the library itself.

If the notification is dliFailGetProc, the hook function can return:

  • 0, if it cannot handle the failure.

  • A valid proc address (import function address), if the failure hook succeeded in getting the address itself.

See Also

Error Handling and Notification