This topic applies only to version 1 of Managed Extensions for C++. This syntax should only be used to maintain version 1 code. In the new syntax, you do not need to explicitly mark a type as unmanaged.
Explicitly declares an unmanaged type.
__nogc struct-specifier
__nogc interface-specifier
__nogc array-specifier
__nogc pointer-specifier
__nogc new
The __nogc keyword is used to explicitly specify that an object is allocated on the standard C++ heap. This keyword is optional. If you don't specify __gc or __nogc in front of a class declaration, it defaults to __nogc.
Objects of this type are similar to standard C++ objects in that they are allocated from the standard C++ heap and are not subject to the restrictions of a managed object.
The __nogc keyword is also used when an object of a __value type is explicitly allocated on the standard C++ heap:
// keyword__nogc.cpp
// compile with: /clr:oldSyntax
#using <mscorlib.dll>
__value struct V {
int i;
int main() {
V * v = __nogc new V;
v->i = 10;
delete v;
The __nogc keyword can also be applied to array and pointer types.
A gc pointer cannot be a member of a __nogc class. See __value for guidelines on embedding a value type in a __nogc class.
In the following example, an unmanaged class is declared (X) and an object is instantiated and modified:
// keyword__nogc_2.cpp
// compile with: /clr:oldSyntax
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
__nogc class X {
int i;
int main() {
X* x; // declares an unmanaged pointer of type X
x = new X(); // creates unmanaged object of type X on the C++ heap
x->i = 4; // modifies unmanaged object
delete x; // call C++ delete operator to clean up resource
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